Board Meeting Minutes – 05.07.24
Location: Monarch Hotel conference room, 318
Board Members Present: Kevin Quick, John Chapman, Darrell Maxwell, Josh Gavrich
Board Members Absent: Dave Nachand, Ellyn Jeck,
Homeowners Present: Dave Blank, Nancy Hall, Jim Graham, Lynn Allen
Guests: None
Call to Order: (Invoice envelope stuffing) 7:20pm by President
Approval of Meeting Minutes: All board members present voted to approve the minutes from the April meeting.
Homeowner Topics:
- Jim Graham, observation and things for the HOA to watch
- Homeowners are not adhering to the yard signage guidelines – it’s important to enforce covenants consistently.
- Abandoned vehicle on the street was removed after reporting.
President: Kevin Quick
- Arborist is coming to look at the tree in the central woods (previously mentioned) that appears to be leaning precariously.
- Tax status project – John Chapman continues to contact CPA firms about assistance – many firms are not taking new clients – the search continues.
- D. Blank advised on statutes related to HOA tax filings and statutes of limitations
- One option to explore is form 1120H – is a corporate return for HOAs
- D. Blank advised on statutes related to HOA tax filings and statutes of limitations
- Block Party Planning: Mrs. Schroeder is open to helping plan the party!
- Budget estimate needed in order to start planning:
- A possible budget of $1,500 is on the table.
- Date: Sometime in August.
- Budget estimate needed in order to start planning:
- Motion: Approve a budget of up to $1,500 for the block party:
- Seconded by J. Chapman,
- All board members in attendance voted to approve the motion.
Vice President: Josh Gavrich
- Has been looking into other lower cost options for the HOA monthly meeting – more to come soon.
- Someone reported an abandoned vehicle on Nancy Ct. – the board advised them to call Clackamas County Sheriff.
Treasurer: John Chapman
- Working with a home on King Way to take care of abandoned vehicles.
- The property management company has been responsive.
- Budget projections update: Our balance as of the end of the fiscal year, April 30, was $18,761.03. I sent out about 50 of the invoices on May 1, and was able to deposit $1,250 on Tuesday morning, so our balance is a little above $20,000.
Secretary/Environmental: Darrell Maxwell
- As time permits, Darrell will inspect the asphalt pathways for small, obvious holes (not cracks) that can be patched with a “cold patch” type product.
- Monday, 5-13: Andres Landscaping has their scope of work for the special project to clear a 6’ margin of debris along the paved paths. They will use four assigned bins. If the bins are already full, Andres will cart away the debris for an additional charge.
- Inform John Chapman of how many crew members and how many hours are estimated for the Andres special project.
Architectural: Kevin Quick
- Homeowner on King has two trees that are clearly a danger and Kevin has approved the removal.
- A home on 99th is having windows replaced and minor work on the deck at the rear of the home which has been approved.
- It is time to start planning a project to plant native species in the central woods that will take over the invasive species. Ashe Creek is one option to do the work and Swamp Rose is another option
- Based on recent expenses – it may not be possible to move forward until later this year.
Covenants: Ellyn Jeck
- Ellyn plans to send a letter to a home on Cleone Ct. that has had several complaints. When she talked to them before the last meeting, they said they were working on getting things cleaned up within the next couple weeks. She has continued to keep an eye on it. It does look as though they have cleaned up the side yard a bit, but the tree is still leaning on the house.
- Rio from Ashe Creek has emailed again regarding continued follow up. Are there any thoughts on when we would address this?
General Discussion:
- None.
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned by President at 8:03 pm.
Next Regular Board Meeting: Tuesday, June 4th, 2024, to be held in person. Normal meetings to be conducted on the first Tuesday of the month, except in July and December when there will be no meeting.