Board Meeting of January 3, 2017
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Neil Gavrich, John Chapman, Dave Gilman, Bob Stallman, Nancy Hall, Josh Gavrich, Jonathon Handsaker, Suzanne Merritt, Jonathan Harbaugh
Absent: All members present
Homeowners Present: Carl Feague, Dennis Shaffer (HOA newsletter editor)
Guests: none
Call to Order: 7:05 pm by President Neil Gavrich
Approval of Meeting Minutes – Board Meeting November 1, 2016
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made by Bob to approve the November 1, 2016 minutes as submitted. It was seconded by John Chapman and all Board members present approved.
Out-going Board Members Comments
Dennis Shaffer said he had a call from a homeowner with a complaint about not wining the Christmas Decoration contest. Suzanne said she had also had several calls. Dennis noted that the next HOA newsletter is proposed for April. Carl Feague said that Finishing Touch had done a good job in keeping the drains clear.
Christmas Decorations
Suzanne announced the 2016 winners. See below. She was thanked for good job running the contest.
1. Grand Prize
9963 SE Nancy Ct
2. Special Award
10217 SE 99th Dr
3. Creative Design
9835 Derek Ct.
4. Color Explosion
10832 SE Stacy Ct
5. Holiday Spirit
10075 SE Stevens Ct
6. Griswold
9996 SE Gia
Drain Project
John Chapman said the project was complete and should be good for many years. The final work included replacing about 32 feet of pipe and cleaning roots from another 110 ft with a root cutter. The cost was $11,182 to complete. It was suggested that to avoid future blockages that we check all the drains for roots and periodically treat the pipes and cut the roots as needed.
Homeowner Concerns
· King Way (Yost) tree removal. The wood from the tree that was removed is available to all homeowners as large rounds at the site. An invoice for $2700 has been submitted by Clay’s Tree Service.
· The Spathas water drainage concern was discussed. Several members had checked the location and noted a possible blockage of the path. This will be looked into.
Recent Green Space Work by Mosaic
The work was done before Christmas and was to remove/spray invasive plants in the green space. The Mosaic manager did not notify John Chapman about when the work was to be done, as had been agreed. So John was not able to observe what work was completed. John is going to request a detailed list of what work was done before paying.
Carl asked about the HOA purchasing a weed whacker or hedge trimmer for cutting the brush in the green space, especially around the trees that the HOA had planted. Josh will look into what equipment is available, electric vs. gas. He noted an option for nonprofits is to borrow tools from the Tool Bank.
Financial Status
John Chapman, HOA Treasurer, provided a report on the status of the spending and income. See attached. The short fall of expense over income was about $4000 for the year. This was due primarily to the drain expense, but was covered by increased dues collected in the last 2 years. Projected reserves are $27,000 at 4/30/2017 which is in the needed range. John is going to look into changing banks to a local bank or credit union.
President: Neil Gavrich (replaces Carl Feague)
· Neil met with Carl and Dave to receive HOA information to orient him on becoming President.
Vice-president: Suzanne Merritt (replaces Dennis Shaffer)
· Suzanne reported on the Christmas Decorations contest. See above.
Secretary: Dave Gilman
· He provided the minutes for the November 2016 Board meeting for approval. See above.
Treasurer’s Report: John Chapman
· John provided a financial report. See above and attached.
· John said he had received a payment from Tikonov to settle the arborist issue.
Environmental Committee: Jonathan Harbaugh
· He asked about the web site update and Carl said it was fixed.
Covenant Compliance: Jonathon Handsaker
· Jonathon said he had received no new complaints.
Architectural: Josh Gavrich (replaces John Short)
· Josh had no new applications
Safety: Bob Stallman
· He reported that he will have someone look at the termite infected trees in the common area.
· He called PGE about some street lights that stay on.
Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall
· Nancy reported that the Planning Commission hearing on Eagles Landing is delayed until March 14. She discussed the recently completed traffic study. Clackamas Co did not approve the traffic flow for the project as planned, so new plan traffic will need to be developed.
Adjournment: at 9:05 pm by Neil
Next Regular Board Meetings: February 7, 2017 at 7 pm at the Fire Station. And each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December.