Board Meeting of February 6th 2018.
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Neil Gavrich, Suzanne Merritt, John Chapman, James Allen, Jonathan Harbaugh, Josh Gavrich, Jonathan Handsaker, Nancy Hall. Thomas Spathas, Manages the HOA Website.
Board Members Absent: Steve Schroeder.
Homeowners Present; David Gillman, Dave Blank, Bob Stallman, Thomas Spathas, Jim Graham, and Vanessa Nichols. Thank you for attending!
Guests: None.
Call to Order: By President Neil Gavrich 7:00PM.
Approval of Meeting Minutes – Board Meeting January 2, 2018
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made by Neil Gavrich to approve the Jan. 2nd 2018. minutes as submitted with corrections. It was seconded by Suzanne and all board members present approved.
Homeowner Concerns;
- David Blank; Tree removal request as roots could cause potential foundation issues. Homeowner to submit documentation.
- Homeowner said neighbors unleashed dog attacked her. Board suggests contact Dog Control.
- Bob Stalman; Ivy growing on the common area sidewalk and growing up his fence. The area to be sprayed. Follow up at next meeting.
President: Neil Gavrich
- Neil received complaints about an Airbnb on Cleone Court. James checked with the county and per the zoning as well as the covenants Airbnb's are not allowed. Jonathon Handsaker said he will send a letter to the homeowner once he receives mailing address information.
- Idleman plants visibility concerns. James followed up with the County. County roads dept. was planning to meet with the homeowner(s) in a week or so to cut the bushes back that are blocking visibility.
- Lawn mower dog walker. This issue appears to be resolved at this time.
- Parking issue concerns. Jonathon Handsaker will be following up on the concerns.
- Sun CPO path forward. See Nancy's report.
Vice-president: Suzanne Merritt
Nothing to report.
Secretary: James Allen
- Provided the minutes for the February meeting. Followed up on above issues.
Treasurer’s Report: John Chapman
- Chase Bank account closed. All HOA Funds are secured by Umpqua bank.
- March meeting to discuss budget and Set Budget in Aprils meeting.
- HOA Accounts are at $45,000.
- New LED lighting saved the HOA 65% costs for the previous month in the electrical bill.
Environmental Committee: Jonathan Harbaugh
- Will test a gallon of enzymatic cleaner on a few light posts to see if the product helps clean up the moss. Cost is $30.00 per gallon. Pressure washing could cause damage so this alternative would be a cost effective solution.
- Jonathan and John Chapman getting bids on having the common area that has been commonly known as Nancy's Woods (King Way) to be sprayed this spring to kill evasive plants and the area Bob Stallman mentioned.
- The dead tree on Derrick Court & Kela Court path, approved to be removed at January 2nd 2018 meeting was put on hold to double check on the property lines.
Covenant Compliance: Jonathon Handsaker
- The chickens; After discussing this issue several times after a complaint, and aware of others that have chickens, perhaps pets, the board referred to Clackamas County which states; "F. Two options for rabbits and fowl are available: 1. Hutches, coops, barns or pens for any number of rabbits or fowl shall be located no closer than 100 feet from any dwelling other than the dwelling of the owner of the subject property; or 2. Up to six rabbits or fowl older than 12 weeks shall be allowed in hutches, coops, or pens located behind the front building line of the dwelling and no closer than five feet from the property line. a. All animal byproducts and waste shall be kept a minimum of five feet from the property line. b. Hutches and coops for rabbits or fowl shall be enclosed on those sides that are not otherwise screened from adjacent. The board agrees, this is no longer an issue.
- Jonathon is looking into the parking concerns that were reported and will discuss at the next meeting.
Architectural: Josh Gavrich;
- Josh has been in contact with the home owners of the trailer 99th and 100th. The Homeowner plans to build a gated fence to enclose the trailer on the side of the home. John C. suggested gravel in front of the gate so there wouldn't be (hook up) parking on bark dust, grass which is considered yard. Timeline for the gate/fence to be determined.
- Past approval for Cleone Court metal deck railings and cedar decking. Engineering plans submitted to the county as required for permit. Solar security lights for same property approved as long as they are not intrusive to the neighbors ie; shining through windows.
Safety: Steve Schroeder
Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall, CPO info.
- Traffic counting strips were noticed on Sunnyside Road and other nearby roads which may be related to Eagle Landing.
- CPO Update; Nancy, Dave Gilman, and Bob Stallman attended the Sunnyside United Neighbors (SUN) CPO meeting on February 5, 2018. Clackamas County Commissioners Martha Schrader and Paul Savas attended and answered questions about current County issues. The SUN Board discussed merging the West Mt Scott CPO with the SUN CPO. The SUN CPO Board was in favor of proceeding. Katie Wilson from the County explained the process to do so. An inclusive outreach to all residents living in both CPO's would have to be done. Postcards would be sent out and a meeting scheduled to take comments and vote. If the vote from both CPO's was in favor it would go to the County Board for approval. This could be done as soon as this summer. The SUN Board said they would leave two positions vacant (eight total) for West Scott residents if the merger is approved. It was also reported that a five, story hotel will be built in the SE corner of the Clackamas Town Center parking lot.
HOA Web Site: Thomas Spathas
- Correcting email address issues for board member email address that are not received.
Adjournment: 8:32PM By President Neil Gavrich.
Next Regular Board Meetings: March, 6th 2018 at 7 pm at the Fire Station. And each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December.