Board Meeting of May 3, 2016
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Carl Feague, John Short, Nancy Hall, John Chapman, Dave Gilman, Jonathan Harbaugh, Dennis Shaffer
Absent: None
Homeowners Present: Everett Hall, Bob Stallman (List attached)
Guests: none
Call to Order: 7:05 pm by President Carl Feague
Approval of Meeting Minutes – Board Meeting April 5, 2016
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made by Carl to approve the April 5, 2016 minutes as submitted. It was seconded by John Chapman and all Board members present approved.
Homeowner Issues
President: Carl Feague
- Carl discussed the need for an HOA map at Board meetings and there was general agreement. He will put the map he had scanned and copied on to a backboard for use at meetings.
- Carl discussed putting “No Trespassing” signs in the common areas, considering recent concerns about homeless camping in the area. It was noted that there is no current evidence of camping in the common area. It was concluded that signs indicating the common area is private property owned by the HOA would provide legal protection. John Chapman will look into sign costs for next meeting.
- Carl made a motion to warn the homeowner that parks a red food cart trailer on the street in front of his house (at 9821 SE King Way) that he may be fined if it persists. It was approved by all Board members present. This relates to Covenants 4.1-8 interpretation.
- Carl discussed the yard upkeep needed at the Courts house at 10416 SE 98th Court (tile roof). This relates to Covenant 7.4-3 interpretation. Carl send a letter requesting that the yard be cleaned up. He proposed that if the yard is not done the HOA should have it done. John and Jonathon both propose to delay any work until the pipe next to her yard is fixed. Tabled until next month.
- He led a discussion about the tree topping/limbing at 10744 SE 95th Court. The tree was severely cut and does not look good. He asked if this should have a fine. John Chapman will write a letter to the homeowner about the tree topping and circulate to Board members for approval before sending.
Vice-president: Dennis Shaffer
- Dennis said the spring newsletter was sent out.
- He noted that there is radar speed sign on 99th. This was from a request to the County from Jenny over a year ago.
Secretary: Dave Gilman
- Dave provided the minutes for the April 5, 2016 Board meeting for approval.
- He had previously sent out the updated Board of Directors list for review. He asked for any correction to be sent to him.
- He noted that there are areas with poison oak in the common area woods. No one reported contact yet, but we need to careful.
Treasurer’s Report: John Chapman
- John reported that the dues invoices will be sent out this week. Work preparing the invoices was done at the meeting.
- He noted that he had talked to the Happy Valley staff about the Champagne lane house with a drain pipe into common area. John will check and send a letter if needed to have the pipe removed from the common area.
- He reported that there are 4 houses in foreclosure in the HOA, with some being there for over 2 years. The HOA should receive back dues when these are settled.
Environmental Committee: Jonathan Harbaugh/ Jim Graham
- Jonathon reported on the dumpsters date. It is confirmed for the May 6 weekend. He noted that the company will not pick up debris outside dumpster, so please check the one near you.
- Drain project– He reported that the manhole that was paved over is really a cleanout. But it can only be cleaned out downstream. It will need to replaced with a new two way clean out to do a scope check for blockages. This was discussed and a proposal was made to replace the cleanout and the pipe that is blocked at the same time. Jonathon and John Short will do a site visit, get a bid, and then sent it to the Board by email to vote on proceeding.
Covenant Compliance: Vacant
- John Chapman and Carl are taking care of complaints.
Architectural: John Short
- John Short reported that he approved tree removal about 1 and ½ yrs ago at 9669 SE King way for Ryan Donley, but it was not done by the homeowner. He approved it again. The homeowner proposed to add new trees.
- He approved the paint color at 10782 SE 99th.
- He approved the shed replacement for Mike Leveque at 10824 SE 95th Court.
- He approved fence for Robert Robinson at10567 SE 96th. Fence will be 6 ft. high along the path.
- He approved a tree removal for Richard Fenn at 10765 SE 93rd Court. He will replace the tree.
- He approved a remodel for John Miller at 10211 SE 100th Drive, with further check in's on color and material.
- He approved the driveway, fence, and shed request for Brian Hansen at 10759 SE 99th.
- He noted that a homeowner at 10043 SE Cleon Court is in the process of replacing the driveway without approval.
Safety: Vacant
- Carl is checking on street lights.
Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall
- Nancy reported that Eagles Landing master plan has been re-filed. It has a new traffic study but still did not cover our area. It is posted on the city web site. Apparently there is a new developer.
John Short said he will be absent for the June meeting.
Adjournment: at 8:35 pm by Carl
Next Regular Board Meetings: June 7, 2016 at 7 pm at the Fire Station. And each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December.