October board meeting and Annual homeowners meeting
Meeting Minutes – 1.4.2022
Location: Virtual meeting
Board Members Present: Neil Gavrich, Josh Gavrich, Jonathan Chapman, Kevin Quick, Steve Schroeder, Khristina Powell
Board Members Absent: Randy Flynn, David Nachand, Mike Brumbach
Homeowners Present: Kevin Azorr, Anjuli Chen
Guests: None
Call to Order: 7:20pm by President, Neil Gavrich
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Board Meeting Nov 2nd, 2021
A motion was made by Neil Gavrich to approve the Nov 2021 meeting minutes, all board members approved.
Survey Results discussion:
- 49 paper surveys came back and 23 online
- Priorities as seen by homeowners: increased safety/security, better maintenance of common areas, be stricter for covenant violations
- Suggestions: Numerous written in ideas, Khristina to compile all so we can assess
- Possibility to hire a security firm, Neil to look into old quote
Homeowners Concerns:
- New homeowner welcome packages
- Anjuli wants to be involved and help, but needs info from John on new owners
- Suggestion to have a card, a bundt cake and handout about closest stores and resources
- Budget proposed for $400 to make welcome packages; approved by board members present
- Clackamas County Public Info Officer (Vanessa spoke with) recommended to reach out to neighborhood watch liaison for additional resources.
Board Nominations:
- Nominations for president: Neil and Khristina
- Nomination for VP: Khristina
- Nomination for Treasurer: John Chapman
- Nomination for Secretary: Josh
- All board members present voted, board members to retain current roles
President: Neil Gavrich
- Board nominations
- Safety concerns on neighborhood streets
Vice President: Khristina Powell
- Discussion about survey results
- Will continue working on data consolidation
- Gift cards for “holiday lights” winners
- 6 qty for $50 a piece
- John to pickup up and work with Khristina to get to homeowners
Treasurer: John Chapman
- Working on a reserve study and to be ready to present around the February meeting
Secretary: Josh Gavrich
- No report this meeting
Architectural: Kevin
- No report this meeting
Safety: Steve Schroeder
- Working with Vanessa to discuss with county about road safety in the area.
- Steve to follow up about safe routes to schools along Stevens Way (pushing school zone further back)
- Possibility of flashing stop signs on 99th
- Setting up radar sign on 99th (18 month wait list)
- Neil to make sure we are on the list and keep working on other issues
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned by Neil Gavrich at 8:27pm
Next Regular Board Meeting: February 1st, 2022 7:00PM, likely to be held virtually due to Covid-19. Normal meetings at the Fire Station to be conducted the first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December when there will be no meeting.
Notes taken by Josh Gavrich