October board meeting and Annual homeowners meeting
Meeting Minutes – 10.5.2021
Location: Virtual meeting
Board Members Present: Neil Gavrich, Josh Gavrich, Jonathan Chapman, , Kevin Quick, Steve Schroeder, Mike Brumbach, Khristina Powell
Board Members Absent: Thomas Spathas, David Nachand
Homeowners Present: Dave Blank, Shannon Chedester, Dave Gilman, Randy Flynn
Guests: None
Call to Order: 7:00pm by President, Neil Gavrich
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Board Meeting Sep 7th, 2021
A motion was made by Neil Gavrich to approve the Sep 2021 meeting minutes (with corrections as noted via email), 6 board members present approved, one board member against. Meeting minutes approved based on majority rules.
Homeowners Concerns:
- Covenant enforcement
- Concern about inconsistent enforcement of covenants (from Dave B)
- Recommends having log of past issues and resolution to show consistency
- Dave B requested a more formal definition of “political signs” be defined by the HOA as the rules and fines section is very open to interpretation
- Board to discuss post meeting and formalize to adopt at a later meeting
- Dave B had expressed concerns (via email) regarding legality of bylaw changes adopted in 2007 and has a copy of those bylaws (posted on website)
- Josh stated that the bylaws of 1979 had the same verbiage regarding how to make changes to bylaws [in the future] and changes were adopted properly
- Dave B requested original bylaws be sent to him
- Josh to send 1979 bylaws to Dave B
President: Neil Gavrich
- The president motioned to vote for board members via electronic/voice vote (due to Covid restrictions in place).
- 6 board members in favor of motion, 1 board member against
- Motion passed
- Review of board member elections
- Newsletters went out
- Prowler in the area
- Usually seen between 11pm-12am riding a bicycle
- Recommends adding details to the website and FB page to alert homeowners to keep eyes out for suspicious activity
- Roughly 86% of homeowner dues have been received so far, similar to previous years
- Homeowners >2 years in arrears will be followed up on
- Roughly $73k in the bank account
- Some of those funds will be used for larger projects in the green spaces
- Digital document database in progress (scanning old documents and looking into possible storage solutions)
- A few small projects approved recently
- 3 house paintings
- 1 window replacement project
- 1 retractable awning
- House remodel on Nancy Ct
- Still trying to work with Clay’s Tree service on evaluation of tree health
- Will follow up regarding safe routes to schools since schools are back in full time again
- New principal at Mount Scott may be more open to helping push the plan along
- His garage was recently broken into and bicycles were stolen (sometime in the night)
- Stolen mail was found discarded
- Letters sent out to houses with chickens and signs out of compliance
- Follow up on chickens due to one homeowner responding they did not have any
- Need to follow up on the BMW with expired plates.
- Recommended having an in person meeting (outdoors) to hear concerns of neighbors
- Discussion to be continued after meeting about potential plans and/or a survey
- Mike B asked if the HOA files taxes (based on past experience with a non-profit)?
- Treasurer stated that the HOA does not file taxes nor does it pay property tax on the green spaces.
- Dave B stated he believes that is not in compliance with financial reporting of 94.550
- Dave G stated that the organization HAD paid taxes in/around 2007 time frame as some of the funds were held in high interest bearing CDs.
- Discussion between board members and HOA members about becoming compliant with financial reporting
- Possibility to hire outside CPA firm to assist
- Would need to find out how much it would cost
- Steve stated he has concerns about the time needed to review laws and such to ensure compliance (and that board members are not CPAs)
- Khristina stated we should assess where the HOA is (compliant or not) and then move forward with an action plan to address issues
- Randy asked what are the consequences of non-compliance
- No one in attendance is knowledgeable about consequences
- Neil motioned to approve a subcommittee to study the potential concerns
- Motion seconded; all board members approved
Board member elections:
- 3 open positions (VP, Environmental, General board member)
- Neil nominated Khristina for a second three year term
- Neil nominated David N for a second three year term
- Neil nominated Randy Flynn for first 3 year term
- All nominations approved via electronic / voice vote [due to virtual meeting]
- Board member positions to be voted on during January meeting
Political signs definition:
- Per homeowner request the board discussed, outside the meeting via email, what makes a sign a political sign for purposes of covenant enforcement. Definition for political sign included below.
- A sign which:
- Includes the name or likeness of a candidate for office in a federal, state or local election, or
- Includes the number, title, or reference to a ballot measure in a federal, state or local election, or
- Includes a campaign slogan or logo of a candidate for office or ballot measure in a federal, state or local election, or
- Includes a name, campaign slogan, or logo of a political party, or
- References a specific political election, by year, candidate, position, slogan, or party, or
- Is clearly intended to promote voting in a specific manner in any federal, state or local elections.
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned by Neil Gavrich at 8:01pm
Next Regular Board Meeting: November 2nd, 2021 7:00PM, likely to be held virtually due to Covid-19. Normal meetings at the Fire Station to be conducted the first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December when there will be no meeting.
Notes taken by Josh Gavrich