Meeting Minutes – 6.2.2020
Location: Virtual meeting
Board Members Present: Neil Gavrich, John Chapman, Steve Schroeder, Dennis Shaffer, Mike Brumbach, Josh Gavrich, David Nachand
Board Members Absent: Jonathan H, Thomas Spathas, Khristina Powell
Homeowners Present: Dave Gilman, Jacob Affinito
Guests: None.
Call to Order: 7:00pm by President, Neil Gavrich
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Board Meeting May 5th, 2020
- A motion was made by Neil Gavrich to approve the May 2020 meeting minutes, all board members present approved; minor correction to spelling of two items.
Homeowners Concerns:
Jacob Affinito
- Wanting to install a new roof, likely similar to current design. Dennis to review, but said same design should be no issue
- PGE utility group was cutting and topping trees, wanted to know if the board was notified. Topping near 102nd and Hillcrest
- Wondering about the landscaping contract, specifically the path clearing off Kela and others
- Andres still working for us but needing direction as they are not performing duties.
- John C to review contract and contact Andres about things that are not being done, to include the strip of land off Stevens that leads up toward Stacey Ct.
President: Neil Gavrich
- Stevens Ct has a parking issue in front of the path. Will monitor and see if it continues, if we need to address (and which house to address)
- Path re-paving project – found to be too expensive to work on (well beyond budget). Dave Nachand is recommending someone to Steve to see if they could help
- Motion to move Mike Brumbach from member at large to filling the covenants chair as Jonathan H has stepped down (between meetings). All in favor.
- The block party is only 2 months away, but will likely not be conducted due to COVID-19 concerns. Neil is going to email out some ideas on other ways we could do something less formal.
Vice President: Khristina Powell - Not present
Treasurer: John Chapman
- Approx. 62% of households paid dues so far
- Dumpsters for spring cleanup costs increased ~17% YoY
- Roughly $60k in bank account with the dues paid thus far
- Typically see ~93% of households pay dues each year
- Regarding asphalt repair, we should look to see if we can do spot repairs for ~$10k
- May need to do subsequent repairs next year depending on scope for cost.
Secretary: Josh Gavrich
Architectural: Dennis Shaffer
Approval of a house painting 10670 SE Stevens way (blue colors)
Safety: Steve Schroeder
- Alamo Paving bid for repaving too high (exceeds current fund available).
Board member: Mike Brumbach
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned by Neil Gavrich with consent of all present at 7:40pm (meeting short due to virtual meeting time limitation)
Next Regular Board Meeting: June 7th, 2020 7:00PM, likely to be held virtually due to Covid-19. Normal meetings at the Fire Station to be conducted the first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December when there will be no meeting.