February board meeting
Meeting Minutes – 2.1.2022
Location: Virtual meeting
Board Members Present: Neil Gavrich, Josh Gavrich, Jonathan Chapman, Kevin Quick, Steve Schroeder, Khristina Powell, Mike Brumbach, Dave Nachand, Randy Flynn
Board Members Absent:
Homeowners Present: Ben Derr, Dave Gilman, Dave Blank
Guests: None
Call to Order: 7:06pm by President, Neil Gavrich
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Board Meeting Jan 4th, 2022
A motion was made by Neil Gavrich to approve the Jan 2022 meeting minutes, all board members approved.
Homeowners Concerns:
- Ben Derr wondering about update regarding road on Stevens
- Speed limit radar signs, we are on the list (but 18 month waiting period)
- Steve is following up regarding safe routes to schools; follow up with County personnel
- Flashing stop signs – Neil following up about potential install
- Khristina will be including details in the newsletter about managing ourselves (as it is potentially folks in the neighborhood speeding and running stop signs)
- Dave Gilman brought up concerns about trees in green space that had recently fallen
- Some of the trees had already been addressed, but some of concern to be brought up to Neil and Dave to see about addressing with a vendor
- Dave Blank had a few concerns about OR state rules not being followed
- Regarding minutes/agenda to be published before meeting IAW 94.650 section 7c – verbiage says “as needed to participate” in regards to voting. Only applicable at the annual meeting
- Annual meeting quorum requirements – do not meet them (and have not for decades according to review) – caveat in OR law (94.655) says that the voting members present can elect to proceed with meeting without meeting quorum numbers.
- Balance information being included on the meeting minutes – from June 2020-Oct 2021 no balance info included. Last included in Feb 2020 (last in person meeting). Dave is looking for a quarterly or annual publishing of funds.
- Dave requested to know when definition of “professional sign” was adopted – based on over 10 years of board actions and/or inaction (precedent)
President: Neil Gavrich
- Nothing else to note (other than addressed above)
Vice President: Khristina Powell
- Discussion about homeowner engagement (improving)
- Potential idea for discount on homeowners dues for attending meetings
- Idea of having a natural play area installed in the woods between King and Stevens
- Budget or insurance concerns?
- Is it worth the install given proximity to school playground
Treasurer: John Chapman
- Reserve study sent to board members for review prior to meeting.
- Sent financial data to our insurance agent
Secretary: Josh Gavrich
- No report this meeting
Architectural: Kevin
- No architectural requests recently
- Tree fell in central woods and damaged the wooden bench
- Board members voted on repair, $250 budget approved for Mike B to repair
Safety: Steve Schroeder
- Concerns about the amount of projects we need to undertake as a volunteer board
- Agenda item for March meeting, to list out and prioritize projects
- April meeting to plan out projects
- May meeting to align budget with projects
- Budget allows for dues to reflect funds needed for projects
- Issues with access to emails – not all coming through (to resolve with Neil and Thomas)
- Tree in central woods – rounds cut up
- Homeowner (Kevin) has been splitting some rounds and will continue to work on it. Large trunk left in woods to break down
- HOA property encroachment near Champagne Ln
- Possibility of stimulus money for any of our projects
- Money available for a “chipper” for forest clearing projects, but wood chips not recommended as they are just fuel during wildfire season (per Clackamas Fire District reps)
Next Regular Board Meeting: March 1st, 2022 7:00PM, likely to be held virtually due to Covid-19. Normal meetings at the Fire Station to be conducted the first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December when there will be no meeting.
Notes taken by Josh Gavrich