Board Meeting Minutes
April 4, 2023
Location: Monarch Hotel conference room 318
Board Members Present: Kevin Quick, Josh Gavrich, John Chapman, Chuck Zwick, Randy Flynn , Darrell Maxwell
Board Members Absent: Ellyn Jeck, Dave Nachand, Steve Schroeder
Homeowners Present: Nancy Hall, Dave Blank
Guests: None
Call to Order: 7:05pm by Kevin Quick, President
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Board Meeting minutes for March 7th were approved by a unanimous vote of the board members present.
Homeowner Topics:
- Dave Blank
- Provided an update and details related to the Clackamas Quality Inn.
- Clackamas County Chair Tootie Smith rescinded her vote that would have converted the Clackamas Quality Inn into a homeless facility as part of Project Turnkey. (
- Darrell Maxwell
- Alerted Architecture Chair of plans to replace a 60ft fence along the property line between his home and his neighbor to the NE.
- President – Kevin Quick
- Suggested a minor adjustment to the board meeting schedule
- Proposed: Conduct a meeting in August and not in July each year.
- Review of HOA newsletter, content, layout, new article called “President’s Corner.”
- New HOA Sign: three choices have been presented for voting on the website and will be in the upcoming newsletter.
- Suggested a minor adjustment to the board meeting schedule
- Randy Flynn
- Noted seeing pedestrians walking through the neighborhood at 2:00 am – something to be aware of in case there is ever suspicious activity.
- Inquired about the surplus wood piled behind the HOA sign on SE Stevens WY
- The wood is available to anyone who wants to cart some or all of it away.
- VP - Josh Gavrich
- Nothing to report.
- Architecture – Chuck Zwick
- Reminder – fences located at the front of a homeowner’s property should be no more than 4ft tall, unless replacing an existing fence for which a variance had been approved by the board in the past.
- Approved: Homeowner on 98TH CT. submitted plans to replace the home’s roof and gutters, plus paint an exterior portion of the home.
- Secretary/Environmental – Darrell Maxwell
- No updates
- Treasury – John Chapman
- 2023-24 Budget
- Expenses in this year’s budget are forecasted to be higher than in previous years due to special projects.
- Operating reserves are to remain at or above what is required under the covenants.
- The Board unanimously approved HOA dues to remain at $110 for the year.
- 2023-24 Budget
Next Regular Board Meeting: May 2nd, 2023, 7:00pm to be held in-person at the Monarch Hotel. Normal meetings are conducted on the first Tuesday of the month, except in August and December when there will be no meeting.
Notes taken by Darrell Maxwell