Meeting Minutes
Location: Meeting at Monarch Hotel conference room
Board Members Present: Kevin Quick, Josh Gavrich, John Chapman, Chuck Zwick, Randy Flynn, Steve Schroeder
Homeowners Present: Dave Blank, Nancy Hall
Guests: None
Call to Order: 7:07pm by President
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Board Meeting April 2023 and May 2023
Meeting minutes of both months voted on. All board members present approved minutes.
Homeowners Concerns:
- Nancy
- Happy Valley neighborhood garage sale at the end of the month
- 5/address to be added to the list
- Happy Valley neighborhood garage sale at the end of the month
- Dave Blank
- House that backs up to the green space [along King Way] has a broken down tree house that should be addressed
- President: Kevin Quick
- Trees fallen on path near Cleone Ct
- Need to see about cutting up with a chainsaw to clear the path
- Trees fallen on path near Cleone Ct
- Vice President: Josh Gavrich
- Need to look into paperwork for 501(c)3 for the HOA
- Treasurer: John Chapman
- Financial update
- 57% dues paid for ’23-’24 year so far, in line with previous years
- Graphic design for the monument sign [redesign]
- Sign color chosen based on votes
- Working with fast signs to see about install in the next few weeks
- Sign color chosen based on votes
- Clackamas county water and soil conservation
- Obtained some contacts that the county uses for projects
- Looking in to see if they could assist with clearing green space
- Obtained some contacts that the county uses for projects
- 57% dues paid for ’23-’24 year so far, in line with previous years
- Financial update
- Secretary: Darrell Maxwell
- Not present
- Architectural: Chuck Zwick
- 9922 SE Kela - Removal of tree due to roots causing damage
- House on SE 100th Dr - Doing some interior work and just wanted to inform board
- House on 98th Ct - Tent trailer parking request from 7/1-7/7 [approved]
- House on 96th - Reworking deck [approved]
- House on 100th - Working with an arborist regarding potential tree removal
- House on 100th Dr - Will be re-doing their roof
- Covenants: Ellyn Jeck
- Not present
- Safety: Steve Schroeder
- Large down tree in the center woods that we should look at removing
- We should have an eval of large limbs to remove from some trees in the center woods as well [near Nancy’s house]
- Board Member at Large: Randy Flynn
- Nothing to report
- Environmental: Dave Nachand
- Not present
General Discussion:
- Discussion about having an opt-in email for email blast information for the neighborhood. May need to hold off until we get email issues working routinely.
- House on Idleman and 99th with numerous issues in front yard
- John to review and send a letter about issues found
- House on Stevens that needs attention in their yard
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned by President at 8:11pm
Next Regular Board Meeting: August 1st, 2023 7:00PM, to be held in person at Monarch Hotel. Normal meetings at the Fire Station to be conducted the first Tuesday of the month, except in July and December when there will be no meeting.
Notes taken by Josh Gavrich