September board meeting
Meeting Minutes – 10.4.2022
Location: Virtual meeting
Board Members Present: Josh Gavrich, Kevin Quick, Neil Gavrich, John Chapman, Steve Schroeder
Board Members Absent: Khristina Powell, Dave Nachand, Mike Brumbach, Randy Flynn
Homeowners Present: None
Guests: None
Call to Order: 7:10pm by President, Neil Gavrich
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Board Meeting July 5th, 2022 and September 6th, 2022
Meeting minutes of July and September voted on. All board members present approved minutes.
Homeowners Concerns:
- None present
President: Neil Gavrich
- Agenda for November meeting
- President introduces board, members and purpose
- Each member talks about their role
- Discussion about board openings
- Safety concern on 93rd Ct [dry grass and fires/smoking]
- Person in south woods [with abandoned vehicle] reported
- Vehicle and person have left area
Vice President: Khristina Powell
- Not present
Treasurer: John Chapman
- Foreclosure/selling of house on King Way
- Numerous years past due. Will be getting paid for past dues to HOA during sale
- Annual meeting to be held at Monarch hotel on 11/1 @ 7pm [Rm 218]
- Need to send out info about it [Neil to work on mailer]
Secretary: Josh Gavrich
- Nothing to report
Architectural: Kevin
- Tree removal on King Way
- Pine beetle issue
- Homeowner on 95th with tree issues
- More trees to be removed, but discussing replanting of other trees in their place.
Covenants: Mike Brumbach
- Not present
Safety: Steve Schroeder
- Replacing back deck on house [same design]
Board Member at Large: Randy Flynn
- Not present
Environmental: Dave Nachand
- Not present
General Discussion:
- Private property signs in woods
- Should see about cost to get more and replace due to more people in the woods and signs aging.
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned by Vice President at 7:53pm
Next Regular Board Meeting: November 1st, 2022 7:00PM, to be held in person at Monarch Hotel. Normal meetings at the Fire Station to be conducted the first Tuesday of the month, except in August and December when there will be no meeting.
Notes taken by Josh Gavrich