Meeting Minutes – April 3, 2018
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Neil Gavrich, Suzanne Merritt, John Chapman, James Allen, Nancy Hall, Josh Gavrich, Jonathan Handsaker, and Steve Schroeder.
Board Members Absent: Jonathan Harbaugh.
Homeowners Present: Robbie Robinson, Khristina & Rob Powell, Dave Gillman, Bob Stallman, Keo & Anjuli Chen and Richard & Eileen Reid. Thank you for attending!
Guests: None
Call to Order: 7:06 pm by President Neil Gavrich
Approval of Meeting Minutes – Board Meeting March 7th 2018
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made by Neil Gavrich to approve the March 6th 2018 minutes as submitted. It was seconded by Suzanne and all other Board members present approved.
Homeowner Concerns:
- Khristina & Rob Powell asked about upcoming home projects. Exterior painting in gray, Backyard storage shed. Khristina & Rob will send information to Josh Gavrich before painting and storage build begin.
- Dave Gillman mentioned his neighbors tree on Nancy Court. The Board agreed this is the neighbor’s responsibility to remove the tree and approved the removal.
- Robbie Robinson asked again about the Ham radio antenna. John Chapman asked Robbie if Wednesday the 4th at 10:00AM would work for him to meet to look at the placement of the ham radio which will be close to the trees and shouldn't interfere with other properties technology and or be unsightly.
- Bob Stallman asked again about 97th court & derrick court pathway and his fence that needs to be dealt with, this has been going for some time, ivy, ferns, etc., were planted by the HOA several years ago and the HOA was going to maintain it and hasn't. Johnathan Harbaugh is going to look into the situation. John Chapman said he would talk with Johnathan and contact the contractor to deal with the issue to get it done. Path lights still an issue, Stoner electric will be contacted about the flickering path light #11 that is now out, and the path light #2 that stays on and get this done as well.
- Robbie also mentioned the sidewalk by his property has a lot of moss as well. Steve mentioned a lot of slippery moss in several areas. John Chapman said he will call Mary Andres about the moss issue and get it handled.
President: Neil Gavrich
- Nothing other to report other then what was covered during the meeting and per agenda, and asked questions about past agenda issues and what had been done.
Vice-president: Suzanne Merritt
- Asked for input in the upcoming newsletter. Suzanne said it would be great to have input from each board member. John Chapman noted the HOA dues are to be published in the next newsletter per the covenants.
Treasurer’s Report: John Chapman
Annual Budget 2018-19 Last Year 2017-16
Electric: $800.00 $1,800.00
Insurance: $3,500.00 $3,500.00
Landscape Maintenance: $5,000.00 $5,000.00
Dumpsters Spring & Fall: $4,500.00 $4,000.00
Drain Cleaning/Repair: $1,000.00 $1,000.00
Open Space Costs: $6,000.00 $7,500.00
Newsletters & Billing: $2,000.00 $1,750.00
Misc. Projects: $2,000.00 $2,000.00
Total: $24,800.00 $26,550.00
Dues reduced to $110.00 per year for 2018. Motioned by John Chapman, Seconded by Neil Gavrich, Suzanne Merritt and all other board member's present approved.
Secretary: James Allen:
- James provided the minutes for the March 7, 2018 Board meeting for approval.
- The board members had the draft minutes available by email. James mentioned it might be nice to acknowledge homeowners in the newsletter that have had major renovations done. Also, important to Thank the folks that have went out of their way in cleaning up/maintaining common areas.
Environmental Committee: Jonathan Harbaugh
- Absent from the meeting, will be informed and discuss issues with John Chapman as mentioned above. Dead Tree on 99th that has been an issue for some time; Waiting for contractor to give professional opinion.
Covenant Compliance: Jonathon Handsaker
- Sent letter to the Airbnb to stay within the covenants of the HOA.
- Sending letter to the owner on 99th about bushes that obstruct view on Idleman.
- Pod Complaints. Homeowner removed the pod.
Architectural: Josh Gavrich
- Tree on Nancy NE End approved to remove for safety issues.
- House on 100th renovations in progress! All board members agree this is exciting news. Owner to submit exterior colors for approval and any other modifications per the covenants as renovations proceed.
- Josh was contacted by the homeowner at 10063 SE Cleone Court that is planning a new front roof like kind to the back roof and exterior paint that matches the current paint. Board approved.
- Carl Feague's yard landscaping project was approved by the architectural committee after the committee received additional details from Carl per the boards questions at the March meeting.
- Josh Gavrich requested painting his deck gray. All board members present approved.
Safety: Steve Schroeder
- Steve noted pathways that are covered in moss and slippery. John Chapman said he noted concerns that the contractor may not be addressing those areas appropriately. This concern has been mentioned in past minutes. John is going to contact the contractors to address these issues.
Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall
- Nothing new to report. CPO; Clackamas County sent out postcards. Public Meeting to be held at the Mt. Scott Fire Station April 24th at 7:00PM to discuss the boundary expansion.
HOA Web Site: Thomas Spathas
- Absent. The board email is still problematic. Switching servers.
Adjournment: at 8:23 pm by Neil Gavrich.
Next Regular Board Meetings: May 1, 2018 at 7 pm at the Fire Station. And each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December.