Meeting Minutes – 4.7.2020
Location: Virtual meeting
Board Members Present: Neil Gavrich, John C., Jonathan H. Steve Schroeder, Dennis Shaffer, Mike Brumbach, Josh Gavrich, Khristina Powell, David Nachand, Thomas Spathas
Board Members Absent: None
Homeowners Present:, Sally Robinson, Jim Graham,
Guests: None.
Call to Order: 7:02pm by President, Neil Gavrich
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Board Meeting March 3rd, 2020
A motion was made by Neil Gavrich to approve the March 2020 meeting minutes, all board members present approved.
Homeowners Concerns:
Jim Graham brought forth a few issues
- Trailer on 98th Ct that has been parked for a few weeks
- Path lights on Kela Ct, all seem to be not working right now
- Grounds keeping and stewardship program and what efforts we have in place this year
- Recommended “Mr. Tree” to help with staying in compliance
Sally Robinson
- Wants to install a walkway (brick or otherwise) in front yard near where she parks her car. Was concerned about the “flags” marking the utilities and when the project was moving forward
- Potential electrical line work interference, recommended to hold off for now
- Steve mentioned that it would be starting soon on 99th, but did not have full timeline of the project
- Dennis will look into timing of the project
Spring Newsletter
- Khristina was finishing the draft and would send out soon after the meeting to finalize.
- Intend to send to FedEx once finalized for printing
- Khristina was going to check cost of having FedEx do all the work (print and send) given current Covid-19 efforts of stay at home orders.
President: Neil Gavrich
- Reported that we need to look at repair of one bridge in the east woods (emailed the board previously)
Vice President: Khristina Powell
- Drafting spring newsletter, to finish soon
Treasurer: John Chapman
- Reminder for annual dues to be included in the newsletter ($110/household).
Secretary: Josh Gavrich
- Informed everyone that the fire station had emailed about the use of the fire station being delayed until June 1, 2020 at a minimum, so the next meeting would likely have to be held virtually as well.
Architectural: Dennis Shaffer
- Will review current state of bridges (Dennis put the bridges together many years ago)
- Someone had mentioned needing a new bridge off of Kela Ct (Dennis to look into it)
- Approvals for projects:
- Shed on Derek Ct
- Fence extension (100th and 99th neighbor)
- Replace existing fence on 93rd Ct (Thomas’ neighbor [Jim])
Environmental: David Nachand
- Reported that he has not had any new companies bidding for the green space grounds keeping, many companies simply are not interested. Will look into Mr Tree (contact with Jim Graham) to see about maintenance.
- Yard waste bins scheduled and info put into the newsletter.
Safety: Steve Schroeder
- Reported about the impending electrical work starting soon in the neighborhood.
HOA Website: Thomas Spathas
- Website is current and regularly updated
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned by Neil Gavrich with consent of all present at 7:40pm
Next Regular Board Meeting: May 7th, 2020 7:00PM to be held virtually due to Covid-19. Normal meetings at the Fire Station to be conducted the first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December when there will be no meeting.