Annual Meeting - October 6, 2015
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Carl Feague, John Short, Nancy Hall, Dave Gilman, Jim Graham, Dan Otis, Ted Seble, John Chapman
Absent: Pamela Cunningham,
Homeowners Present: See attached list (ATTACHMENT 1)
Guests: none
Call to Order: 7:07 pm by President Carl Feague
The annual meeting is combined with the regular Board meeting for this month.
Approval of Meeting Minutes – Board Meeting of September 1, 2015
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made by Carl to approve the September 1, 2015 minutes as submitted, seconded by Ted, and all Board members present approved.
Homeowner Issues
Carl explained the purpose of the annual meeting and discussed some of the current issues.
President: Carl Feague
- Carl reported that he coordinated the sidewalk grinding to level the concrete paths. This to be done by Safe sidewalks. He noted that there would be some noise while the work is being done.
- He coordinated the annual meeting post cards (at Office Depot) and requested reimbursement for $192.79.
- He discussed the holiday lighting contest. It was noted that last year the prizes were $30 gift certificates for each of the six winners. There was general agreement to continue that this year. The signs placed in front of the winners homes will be given back to the Association for future use. The contest will be discussed in the newsletter.
- John Chapman reported that Dennis Shaffer (former President) had offered to do the fall newsletter. John will work with him on it.
- Carl made a motion to grind the sidewalks at a cost of $982.31. Dave seconded the motion and all Board present approved.
Vice-president: Ted Seble
- Ted had no new issues.
Secretary: Dave Gilman
- Dave reported completion of the minutes for the September 2015 Board meeting.
- He reported on the apartment complex planed for the SE corner of Stevens Road and Causey. There will be 140 units in multi-story buildings. The traffic study is estimating there will be over 900 trips daily. Happy Valley is having a design review meeting on October 12.
Treasurer’s Report: John Chapman
- John Chapman explained the duties of the treasurer. The Association’s accounts total to about $44,000. John has sent dues reminder letters to 9 homeowners who are more than 3 years behind. He also sent letters to 3 homeowners who have trailers in their driveway.
Environmental Committee: Jim Graham
- Jim read his report that will be in the fall newsletter. This describes what the environmental committee does, which includes the following items that he coordinates. He coordinates with Finishing Touch, the company that does the landscaping. There is another contractor named Mosaic Ecology that does maintenance of the green spaces. He also schedules the twice yearly dumpsters, which is scheduled this fall for Nov 13, 14, 15.
- He has also been involved in dog barking issues. He has info on how to contact the County for homeowners with this issue. The County animal control now has authority to resolve this problem.
- He passed around the price list for the drain work to show the magnitude of the costs. River City Environmental will soon do the drain cleaning in the area between Derrick Court and Kela Court.
- He discussed the green space work done by Mosaic Ecology. He also discussed the dead trees in the common area that have been removed recently. There are some other large dead trees that will need to be done in the future.
Covenant Compliance: Dan Otis
- Dan discussed the duties of the covenant compliance committee.
Architectural: John Short
- John Short discussed the duties of the architectural committee.
- He approved the paint color at 10870 SE Stevens Way.
- He met with Nan on Cleone about her request to remove a diseased pine tree. He approved and she will plant an additional replacement tree.
- He will coordinate with other members on approval for removal of dead trees.
- He was asked if the siding on the house by the school had been approved. He said he had previously inspected and approved it.
Safety: Pamela Cunningham
- Pamela was absent.
- Carl described what the safety committee does.
Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall
- She gave an update on Eagles Landing. The project had missing data for the master plan and is providing this info to city of Happy Valley. The current schedule is for construction to start next spring. She mentioned another project which is scheduled to start soon. It is 23 houses that will be build between 92nd and 96nd streets south of Idleman. We didn’t receive notification about it because we have an inactive CPO (Citizen Planning Organization). She is looking at restarting the West Mt Scott CPO.
- She read her report about Eagles Landing that will be in the fall newsletter.
- She reported on the 10/5 SUN (Sunnyside United Neighbors) CPO meeting. The Sherriff’s office had a representative at the meeting. An item of interest is the homeless who are living in the area south of the apartments at 92nd and Frontage road, between I205 and Frontage Road. The Sheriffs policy is to ask them to move when on County or State land.
Nomination and Election of new Directors
There are 3 director positions open on the Board.
Carl was nominated. No one else was nominated or volunteered.
Other homeowners who are interested were invited to attend the next meetings. Jonathon Harbaugh said he was interested and would come to the next meeting.
The status of new Board members, and which Board members will serve in which office will be discussed at the next meeting.
Open Forum
A homeowner who lives on Stevens Way said there was a wild dog around the King woods.
Adjournment: at 8:25 pm by Carl
Next Regular Board Meetings: November 3, 2015 at 7 pm at the Fire Station. And each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December.