October board meeting and Annual homeowners meeting
Meeting Minutes – 11.2.2021
Location: Virtual meeting
Board Members Present: Neil Gavrich, Josh Gavrich, Jonathan Chapman, Kevin Quick, Steve Schroeder, Mike Brumbach, Khristina Powell
Board Members Absent: Thomas Spathas, David Nachand, Mike Brumbach
Homeowners Present: Dave Blank, Sara Flynn, Ben Derr, Tracey Kebede-Bernahu
Guests: None
Call to Order: 7:00pm by President, Neil Gavrich
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Board Meeting Oct 5th, 2021
A motion was made by Neil Gavrich to approve the Oct 2021 meeting minutes (with corrections as noted via email), all board members approved.
Homeowners Concerns:
- Ben Derr questioned about possibility of speed bumps on Stevens due to high traffic/speed
- Steve S talked about Safe Routes to Schools and how he was trying to engage with the liaison and county again based on previous report.
- Neil talked about possibility of flashing stop signs, but that the county had not approved install of one.
- Dave Blank asked about political sign definition
- Was approved by board in October and included in the minutes. Was reviewed at meeting as well.
- Tracey Kebede-Bernahu asked about involvement with the Mt Scott PTO/PTA
- Neil is also a board member there and Steve’s wife too
- Dave Blank mentioned, in regards to financial audits, that OR 94.550-770 may supersede requirements of the bylaws.
- Dave Blank recommended reaching out to Sheriff's department in regards to speeders, as they could post a car for a day or two to write up infractions
- HOA members looking for a more long-term solutions that will reduce speed in the area.
President: Neil Gavrich
- Discussion about stop signs. HOA to continue to pursue
Vice President: Khristina Powell
- Has not ordered new signs from Fast Signs yet
- Homeowner survey - going out later this week
- Online form available as well
- Collecting entries until end of November, then will compile some data
- Wants to post reminder about prowler in the area on website and FB to keep up visibility
- Post about issues reported to keep neighborhood aware
Treasurer: John Chapman
- Template for reserve report found, will be working on a rough draft
- Check cleared for OR state treasury (was not showing paid online previously)
- Audit of financial books is no longer required by the insurance carrier for the HOA
- Was in the past, wanted to make sure we were not out of compliance
- Need to ensure compliance with bylaws, even if not required by Ins agency
Secretary: Josh Gavrich
- Digital document database in progress (scanning old documents and looking into possible storage solutions)
- Received a copy of the Articles of Incorporation from the state, will include in scans
Architectural: Kevin
- A house on 95th was repainted without prior approval, looking into it
Safety: Steve Schroeder
- Will follow up regarding safe routes to schools since schools are back in full time again
- Light posts 4 & 10 flashing
- Unsure of lights in upper green space
- Seems that the light issues start to occur when the weather turns colder
Board member elections coming in January meeting
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned by Neil Gavrich at 8:00pm
Next Regular Board Meeting: January 4th, 2022 7:00PM, likely to be held virtually due to Covid-19. Normal meetings at the Fire Station to be conducted the first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December when there will be no meeting.
Notes taken by Josh Gavrich