Meeting Minutes – 11.3.2020
Location: Virtual meeting
Board Members Present: Neil Gavrich, Steve Schroeder, Josh Gavrich, Jonathan Chapman, David Nachand
Board Members Absent: Thomas Spathas, Khristina Powell, Dennis Shaffer, Mike Brumbach
Homeowners Present: Kevin Quick
Guests: None
Call to Order: 7:00pm by President, Neil Gavrich
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Board Meeting Oct 6th, 2020
A motion was made by Neil Gavrich to approve the October 2020 meeting minutes, all board members present approved.
Homeowners Concerns:
President: Neil Gavrich
- House on 99th, cut down trees – Was it approved?
- Issues with the email system to the architect email. Approval was given once emails were received. Tree was growing into deck, deck also being replaced.
- Board elections – Still down one board member currently. 3 regular board positions opening up. Will discuss elections at the end of the meeting.
Vice President: Khristina Powell
- Not present
Treasurer: John Chapman
- Still on track for most households to pay dues on time. We have typically seen 9-11 households not pay on time, but then usually pay back next year when they see a second billing.
Secretary: Josh Gavrich
- Nothing to report.
Architectural: Dennis Shaffer
- Not present
Safety: Steve Schroeder
- Light number 12 is not working properly, strobing. Josh to work with electrician (Parkin) regarding the light.
Board Elections
3 seats expiring (John C, Dennis S, Steve S)
1 seat open currently, with a 1-year term
Dennis spoke with his neighbor, Greg, about joining the board and he said he was interested but could not make the meeting. Kevin (homeowner attending) said he was interested in helping out
Recommendations/Nominations presented by the President:
- Nominate Greg to the board (pending discussion with Neil after meeting)
- Nominate John C [and waive term limits per CC&Rs]
- Nominate Steve S for second term
- Nominate Kevin Quick for first term
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned by Neil Gavrich with consent of all present at 7:40pm (meeting short due to virtual meeting time limitation)
Next Regular Board Meeting: January 5th, 2021 7:00PM, likely to be held virtually due to Covid-19. Normal meetings at the Fire Station to be conducted the first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December when there will be no meeting.