Board Meeting of April 5, 2016
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Carl Feague, John Short, Nancy Hall, Ted Seble, John Chapman, Dave Gilman, Jonathan Harbaugh, Dennis Shaffer
Absent: Jim Graham,
Homeowners Present: Sally and Robert Robinson (see attached list)
Guests: none
Call to Order: 7:05 pm by President Carl Feague
Approval of Meeting Minutes – Board Meeting March 2, 2016
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made by Ted to approve the March 2, 2016 minutes as submitted. It was seconded by John Chapman and all Board members present approved.
Homeowner Issues
Sally and Robert Robinson submitted an application to the Architectural Committee chaired by John Short. John said he will meet with them to review their proposed fence replacement and any other things they are planning. They are the new owners of Mrs. Mick’s house. Carl also explained the Association rules and when dues are to be paid.
President: Carl Feague
- Carl reported that he has replaced some bulbs for the path lights that were out, but he needs some additional bulbs. Dennis said he would check at the store for replacements and bring them to Carl.
Vice-president: Ted Seble /Dennis Shaffer is doing newsletter
- Ted announced this would his last meeting as he was moving to Willamette View. Ted was thanked by all for his past service. Dennis will take over as Vice-President.
- Dennis said he would like articles for the spring newsletter. Please send them to him by email ASAP. He is aiming to publish the newsletter by the end of April.
- It was suggested to have a common area work party on June 11 at 10 am. This is to remove the plastic cones around the trees planted in recent years
- There was a question about the building/shed being constructed next to the common area at a house off Cleon Court. John Short said it had been approved in January.
Secretary: Dave Gilman
- He provided the minutes for the March 2, 2016 Board meeting for approval.
Treasurer’s Report: John Chapman
- John reported on how the new houses on Champagne lane were affecting the common area with their landscaping work. He noted that there is a drain line about 10 ft into the common area. John had checked with Happy Valley (city) and they said it should not be there. It was recently inspected, so they will check with inspector and let John know the result.
- John provided the projected budget for 2016-17. See attached. He noted the big unknown is the drain repair cost, which could be expensive. This was discussed with Jonathon (see his report below) and the information he had indicated it would probably be less than $6500. It was decided this would be within the budgeted amount for 2015-16, so the $9000 could be removed from the 2016-17 budget. But it was agreed that the dues should be at $110 to retain some margin in case there was additional drain work and to provide for additional work in the common area. John made a motion that the 2016-17 budget be approved with the change and the dues be set at $110. It was seconded by Dave and all members present approved.
- John checked on the use of the No Trespassing signs proposed for the common area. His legal friend said the signs would show the Association’s intent. The intent is to let people know it is private property. In the event there was ever a problem with people trespassing, the attorney said it would work in our favor to have been proactive in identifying the open space as private property.
Environmental Committee: Jonathan Harbaugh/ Jim Graham
- Jonathan reported that River City came out and scoped the drain and located its path. It ends at Kela Court. It was shown to be clear from Kela Court to a manhole on the path. It is about 40 ft from the manhole to the problem area. This is where some or all of the pipe will need to be replaced. The manhole cover is covered by blacktop and must be opened. When this done they will have a better estimate of what work is needed. Jonathon noted the cost should be less than $6500 remaining in the budget.
- Jonathon said the drop boxes would be available May 6-9.
- He reported that the landscaper asked about payment for an invoice for extra work that was done. John Chapman has not received it yet, but will call to check on it.
Covenant Compliance: Vacant
- John Chapman and Carl are taking care of complaints.
Architectural: John Short
- John Short reported that the homeowner at 10799 SE 99th was building a shed without authorization. John Chapman will send a letter.
- At 10257 SE 99th. Thomas and Karen Cook requested a small willow to be removed in their backyard. The tree was split and a safety hazard. It was approved.
- At 10346 SE 100th the homeowner installed a fence without SMHOA approval. He request Carl to send a letter.
- At10824 SE 95th Court Mike Leveque asked for approval to install a tough shed. The location and size was reviewed. Mike will forward the plan details to John prior to final approval but it looks good.
- At the house on 99th that burned (no address yet) the house was painted without SMHOA approval. John informed Carl.
- At 9825 SE Kela Court the homeowner painted their house without approval. He informed Carl.
- At 10744 SE 95th Court the homeowner is in the process of cutting a tree down or severely pruning it. Basically this was cutting a tree without SMHOA approval. John informed Carl. John Chapman read a letter to be sent to the owner. It will be sent with a few suggested changes.
Safety: Vacant
- Carl is checking on street lights.
Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall
- Nancy reported on the Eagles Landing project. One owner of the properties in the project has withdrawn from the project and it is on hold. The owner of the land to the east of Stevens Way is having a pre-application conference with the city for maybe a smaller project.
Adjournment: at 8:05 pm by Carl
Next Regular Board Meetings: May 3, 2016 at 7 pm at the Fire Station. And each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December.