Board Meeting of March 7, 2017
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Neil Gavrich, John Chapman, Dave Gilman, Bob Stallman, Nancy Hall, Jonathan Handsaker, Jonathan Harbaugh
Absent: Suzanne Merritt, Josh Gavrich,
Homeowners Present: Thomas Spathas (manages HOA website), Jim Graham
Guests: none
Call to Order: 7:05 pm by President Neil Gavrich
Approval of Meeting Minutes – Board Meeting February 7, 2016
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made by Jonathon Handsaker to approve the February 7, 2017 minutes as submitted. It was seconded by Jonathon Harbaugh and all Board members present approved.
President: Neil Gavrich
- Neil reported he will plan to fix the path lights that are out as he has some bulbs. John Chapman noted that lights 15 and 18 were also not working. He will look at replacing the lights with LEDs.
- He and Nancy drafted and sent a letter to city of Happy Valley supporting the denial of the Eagles Landing traffic study. The response from the city said that the project plan was being withdrawn and would be replaced with a smaller plan changed.
- He also reported that the trimmer had been delivered and would be available for use in the common area.
Vice-president: Suzanne Merritt
- Suzanne was absent
- He provided the minutes for the February 7, 2017 Board meeting for approval.
Treasurer’s Report: John Chapman
- John said he and Jonathon Handsaker had sent out letters to houses with covenant violations. He noted specifically the house on 94th with Volvos in disrepair.
Environmental Committee: Jonathan Harbaugh
- Jonathon said he had contacted other garbage haulers about providing drop boxes, but he found that Clackamas County only allows one per area. He checked about drop boxes for trash and found the cost is about the same as yard debris. However, it was noted that the signer is responsible for any fine for hazardous debris in the drop boxes. This makes it less desirable to do.
- The dates for the drop boxes (yard debris) will be in May. It was agreed that the May 5 weekend would work best, to avoid mother’s day.
- He said the landscaper contract is going up $45 per month to $345. Jonathon made a motion to accept the new contract at $345 per month. John seconded and all approved.
Covenant Compliance: Jonathon Handsaker
- Jonathon said he sent out a second letter to the violation on 98th Court (a tree was cut down but not removed). He sent out a reminder for a trailer in the driveway at 99th and Kela Court.
- He reported there is a request to park a trailer in the driveway for two weeks in April while the owner has visitors. The Board thought this would be ok.
- He noted there has been no response from the homeowner with a car parked in the front yard on Kela Court.
- There was discussion of a dead tree near the path at 10257 SE 99th (in the homeowner’s backyard). This was reported by Jim Graham. The question was can the HOA require the tree be removed. It was agreed to send a letter requesting the tree be removed.
Architectural: Josh Gavrich
- Josh was absent.
Safety: Bob Stallman
- He reported that he could not get anyone to look at the termites in the trees until spring.
- He reported there was a survey crew on Stevens’s way. They were checking out the storm drainage pipes for capacity. It was found that the county will be upgrading some of the drain pipes.
Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall
- Nancy reported that Eagle landing withdrew their application for the project and will be submitting a new one.
- She noted that nothing was happening on residential housing development between 92 and 96th.
- She attended the last County Commissioners meeting. She found that the County is reimbursing private businesses for property improvements through the “Property Enhancement Program” using Town Center urban renewal money.
Scott Mt HOA Budget
John Chapman presented a projected budget for 2017-18 (Attached). He adjusted the normal items for inflation. The landscaping was high for 2016 due to extra tree removals. There will also be no drain repair needed in 2017. The projected budget would require a dues assessment of $120 per year. John made a motion to change from Chase bank to Umpqua bank. It was seconded by Bob. All approved. John will make the change and include Neil to allow his signature on checks.
Adjournment: at 8:22 pm by Neil
Next Regular Board Meetings: April 4, 2017 at 7 pm at the Fire Station. And each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in July (meeting moved to August) and December.