Meeting Minutes – 2.4.2020
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Josh Gavrich, John C., Jonathan H. and Steve Schroeder.
Board Members Absent: Neil Gavrich, Khristina Powell, David N.
Homeowners Present: Dave Gilman, Nancy Hall, Ron + Pam Cunningham, Sara + Jeff Duhrkoop.
Guests: None.
Call to Order: 7:04pm by Architectural Chair, Josh Gavrich
Approval of Meeting Minutes – Board Meeting January 7th, 2020
A motion was made by Josh Gavrich to approve the January 2020 meeting minutes, seconded by John Chapman and all board members present approved.
Homeowners Concerns:
Deli Sign on 93rd Ct - Jonathon sent a letter and the homeowner was going to take it down. Heated discussion now with his neighbor (Ron Cunningham). Ron is very upset due to threats from his neighbor (the person with the sign). Thomas will talk with the neighbor and the outcome will likely be a letter giving him until 2/18/20 to remove the sign. Ron also mentioned that there is a bright light now installed to light up the sign. Board members will verify about the light and address that if the problem exists.
Sara and Jeff Duhrkoop - Welcomed them to the neighborhood. They replaced their chimney on the house recently (moved in mid December). Discussed the need to contact the HOA for future changes (friendly notice).
Path lights - Reported that all are out in Jim’s area [Derek to Kela]. Light 10 might be out near King as well. Josh will contact James to ask about who to talk with at Parkin and Stoner (contact points for repair and service from previous installs).
John Chapman’s neighbors talked to him about a house (on 100th Dr) where they have had trash out for days past pickup (just bags). John H will send a letter.
Regarding the man who walks his dog using a lawnmower is using paths to move between streets and is disrupting other dog walkers due to his speed. John H will write a letter and tell him that the paths are for foot traffic only and that he needs to be cognizant of others when walking his dog, slow down around other dog walkers.
Treasurer: John Chapman
- Update on 10540 SE Stevens Way; in arrears for 8 years is going into foreclosure
- Currently have 3 houses >5 years in arrears
Architectural: Josh Gavrich
- Only architectural request was for removing small trees (James, former Secretary). Approved.
Safety: Steve Schroeder
- Truck parts from the house at the end of Stevens Way (next to elementary school) are all gone, semi not parked on the street for now.
HOA Website: Thomas Spathas
- Nothing to report
Home Owner Participant/Eagle Landing/CPO: Nancy Hall
- Happy Valley meeting for Eagle Landing - approval for the design review for “building 4” [behind Eye Med].
- New Hope was sold to the Vietnamese Community Catholic starting 5/1/20.
- CPO meeting 2/3/20 - The CPO chair is retiring. Dave Gilman is to be vice chairman.
- CFD spoke about the Heavy Rescue arm (at our Fire Station).
- Census folks spoke as well about registering to vote and positions available (some paid, some volunteer).
- Volunteer connection - help people with mobility issues, transportation, etc.
Adjournment: at 8:02pm by Josh Gavrich for the regular monthly meeting.
Next Regular Board Meetings: March 3rd, 2020 7:00PM at the Fire Station and each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December when there will be no meeting.