February board meeting
Meeting Minutes – 2.7.2023
Location: Meeting at Monarch Hotel conference room
Board Members Present: Kevin Quick, Josh Gavrich, John Chapman, Ellyn Jeck, Chuck Zwick, Randy Flynn, Steve Schroeder
Board Members Absent: Darrell Maxwell, Dave Nachand
Homeowners Present: Dave Blank, Nancy Hall, Thomas Spathas, Dave Gilman
Guests: None
Call to Order: 7:02pm by President
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Board Meeting January 3rd, 2023
Meeting minutes of January voted on. All board members present approved minutes.
Homeowners Concerns:
- Nancy
- Idea of creating a bridge across the creek in the west woods
- Tree near Nancy’s fence [in green space] is dropping limbs and causing some damage to fence. Requests HOA look into it
- Thomas
- Path between 95th and 93rd has moss growth that has not been removed
- John to look into dates for Andres to address and contact them.
- Path between 95th and 96th has a hole that needs filled in
- John to review
- Path between 95th and 93rd has moss growth that has not been removed
- Dave Blank
- Brought up request of annual financials after Jan meeting.
- Brought up concerns about transitional housing at Quality Inn [proposal] and was wondering what the HOA knew about it
- Dave Gilman shared info later
- Dave Gilman
- Sunnyside CPO was following transitional housing issue. Possible decision due in February if ClackCo would move forward with site
- Will have 24 hour surveillance, no drugs and alcohol allowed on site, personnel to support transitional residents
- Non-profit will be managing the site
- “Project Turnkey” is the name on ClackCo website.
President: Kevin Quick
- 3 tree issues looking to address; 1 @ monument sign on Stevens, 1 on Stevens and 95th and 1 in central woods
Vice President: Josh Gavrich
- Just received in some lights from electrician. We are at the end of the warranty period on these initial bulbs installed and replacements around $200 [bulbs].
- Replacement fixtures would be ~$7,500, after rebates.
- Electrician is thinking we have some issues with our fictures based on age
Treasurer: John Chapman
- Financial update
- Preliminary income and expenditures presented
- Graphic design for the monument sign [redesign]
- Wanted to present idea of paying Jessica for her time, up to $600 for
- All board members present approved paying up to $600 for graphic design work
- Banking update
- Putting some of the funds into CDs as rates are up to 4.25% right now
- Drain repairs and cleanout
- Last done in 2015 and was ~$1,000
- Need to do cleanout again between Derek and Kela Ct
Secretary: Darrell Maxwell
- Not present
Architectural: Chuck Zwick
- Wondering about survey follow up from long ago
- Josh to get surveys from Khristina
- Potential site for in person meetings [a friend of his]
- 99th and Kela
- Work on property that was not approved ahead of time
- Tree removal requests
- Drainage/foundation issues
- Damage during wind storms
Covenants: Ellyn Jeck
- Fire Marshall update
- Wanted to see about scheduling walkthrough in April to discuss current state and talk about potential vendors for support
- Ellyn, John, Kevin, Steve to support
Safety: Steve Schroeder
- Reported that ivy is getting overgrown in the west woods
- John said we normally address around April. Will need to look at vendors for the work
Board Member at Large: Randy Flynn
- Nothing to report
Environmental: Dave Nachand
- Not present
General Discussion:
- Discussion about in person meetings
- Next meeting to be held in person, to review designs for monument signs. April to be in person. Follow on meetings to be determined down the road.
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned by President at 8:44pm
Next Regular Board Meeting: March 7th, 2023 7:00PM, to be held in person at Monarch Hotel. Normal meetings at the Fire Station to be conducted the first Tuesday of the month, except in August and December when there will be no meeting.
Notes taken by Josh Gavrich