Board Meeting of January 2, 2018
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Neil Gavrich, John Chapman, Nancy Hall, Jonathon Handsaker, Jonathan Harbaugh, Josh Gavrich, James Allen, Steve Schroeder, Thomas Spathas (manages HOA website), Retiring members: Bob Stallman, Dave Gilman
Absent: Suzanne Merritt
Homeowners Present: Richard and Eileen Reid, Keo and Anjuli Chen, Michael Jones
Guests: Martha Waldemar (Chair of Sunnyside United Neighbors (SUN))
Call to Order: 7:07 pm by President Neil Gavrich
Approval of Meeting Minutes – Board Meeting November 7, 2017
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made by Neil to approve the November 7, 2017 minutes as submitted. It was seconded by Josh and all Board members present approved.
- Nancy invited Martha from the SUN CPO (Citizen Planning Organization) to explain what a CPO is and how merging the CPO we are in (West Mt Scott CPO) would affect us. The state rule is that citizens outside of a city should have a voice on land use planning. A CPO is intended to do that by reviewing land use changes. She noted that Happy Valley has been cherry stemming new development on land in the CPO areas. An example is the extended care facility that was planned for the Altamont area. A CPO also reviews requests to allow home businesses. The West Mt Scott CPO which is currently inactive could merge with the SUN CPO and possibly have more input on land use changes, as well as get notification of new projects. She noted that most land has been built out in both CPO’s, so there may not be many projects to review. It was noted that the Eagles Landing project is in the city of Happy Valley. Their next SUN meeting is the first Monday in Feb. We can attend their meetings without obligation. To merge West Mt Scott CPO with SUN the County would need an outreach to determine interest and then a change in bylaws.
- Richard and Eileen Reid said they had an arborist who said some of their birch trees should be removed. They will talk to Josh about getting approval.
President: Neil Gavrich
- Neil asked about the plants on Idleman and 99th that were blocking the view of drivers. Dave said he talked to the County in December about this and Department of Transportation is looking into it. The County may need to refer it to the Compliance Department.
- He received an email that a homeowner was being harassed (at 99th and Gia). He said that it appears no Board member had talked to the homeowner. He will talk to the non-board member that he suspects may have harassed the homeowner.
- There was also a concern from a homeowner about a pet alligator. There have been no further complaints so there will be no additional action until a complaint is made. There was also some discussion about homeowners with chickens, as these may be attracting rats. John Chapman will talk to the homeowner on 100th to determine if there is still a rat problem.
- There is a trailer at a house on 99th (across from intersection with 100th). There needs to be an approved enclosure. Josh has sent them a letter but no response. He will communicate with the homeowner.
- Neil talked to Tracy at the fire department and reserved fire station for 2018 meetings.
Vice-president: Suzanne Merritt
- Suzanne was absent. She did complete the holiday light contest.
Secretary: Dave Gilman
- He provided the minutes for the November 7, 2017 Board meeting for approval.
Treasurer’s Report: John Chapman
- John reported the work on the LED light replacement was completed and he had sent in the rebate form. He said the electric bill was reduced by about 50% after completion.
- He is going to finish closing business with Chase to complete changing the HOA banking to Umpqua.
- He suggested sprucing up the lower common area (off King Way known as Nancy’s woods). He will review the area and make a proposal.
Environmental Committee: Jonathan Harbaugh
- Jonathon said he was looking into moss treatments.
- He noted there was a dead tree near the Derrick Court-Kela Court path. Part of the tree fell down and was removed, but part still remains. The boundary in the area is not clear as to who owns the tree, so the issue is who should have it removed. Neil made a motion to have the HOA pay to have tree removed. It was seconded by Josh and all Board members present approved. He will get Clay’s to take care of it.
Covenant Compliance: Jonathon Handsaker
- Jonathon sent out letters to the houses with chickens, as discussed above. He has received no new response.
Architectural: Josh Gavrich
- Josh said he only had the trailer enclosure issue, which was discussed under Neil’s section above.
Safety: Bob Stallman
- Bob said nothing new.
Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall
- Nancy reported no change.
HOA Web Site: Thomas Spathas
- Thomas said he had moved the website email addresses to new server.
Board Assignments for 2018
The Board Officers and Committee Chairs need to be determined for 2018. John Chapman was reelected to treasurer. Suzanne Merritt was reelected to be Vice-president. Neil was reelected to President. James Allen was elected to be secretary. These were all unanimous. The committee chairs stayed the same except Steve Schroeder with take over the Safety Committee.
Adjournment: at 8:40 pm by Neil
Next Regular Board Meetings: February 6, 2018 at 7 pm at the Fire Station. And each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December when there will be no meeting.