Meeting Minutes – 1.8.19
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Neil Gavrich, Khristina Powell, John Chapman, James Allen, Nancy Hall, Josh Gavrich, Jonathan Handsaker, Steve Schroeder, and David Nachland.
Board Members Absent: None.
Homeowners Present: David & Glene Baer, Randy Flynn and James Graham.
Thank you for attending!
Guests: Clackamas County Fire Dept. Lt. Tyson Lowther notes;
- 2018 Santa Operation; While we as an organization help with many events and outreach programs throughout the year, this is the event that is generally the largest that we do in our communities. We are thankful for all of the community support, as we wouldn’t be able to help so many family’s if it weren’t for the donations from the community. All of our donations were collected from our 15 community parades, 30 participating businesses with collection barrels, three schools, and the citizens who dropped off donations at any of our community fire stations. We served over 500 families this year, collected 53,771LBS. Of food, and 8,369 toys/gifts.
- Entry Level Firefighting Process: Completed interview process for entry level firefighter candidates and the academy will begin in Feb. 2019.
- Hilltop Station in Oregon City: The construction of the new fire station is nearly completed and working with the contractor for a date for the ribbon cutting event. We are anticipating the week of Feb. 11. 2019. Stay tuned to our social media and to our website for the ribbon cutting date.
- Damascus Station is also in process!
- Questions; Jim asked the Lt. Lowther about burning in firepots, etc., in the summer. The Lt. Said unless there is a total burn ban then, contained recreational fires are OK. However, it’s always a good idea to double check with the Fire Department for good measure.
Call to Order: 7:01pm by President Neil Gavrich.
Homeowner Concerns;
- Homeowner input; Randy Flynn said last Sunday evening he and his neighbor’s cars were gone through.
- Jim Graham mentioned the fire station past issues with speed bumps and time in getting to people.
- Jim also spoke with a potential contractor about meeting the HOA landscaping needs and will forward that information to John C. to check on insurance concerns. Jim also noted that Dan Otnes and Jim used to knock on doors and discuss covenant issues with homeowners that was less impersonal as a letter.
Approval of Meeting Minutes – Board Meeting November 6th 2018
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made by President Neil Gavrich to approve the November 6th meeting minutes, seconded by Khristina and all board members present approved.
President: Neil Gavrich
- Approval of November 2018 minutes.
- Home Owner concerns.
- Others.
- Board Member / Committee reports
- Payments from home owners.
- Officer Elections.
Vice-president: Khristina Powell
- Holiday lights throughout the HOA were fabulous! Khristina handed out six $50.00 gift cards to each of this year’s contest winners, and placed signs in the yards.
- Khristina replied to a homeowner that emailed the board about HOA dues payment options other than sending checks. After board discussion, it isn't time or cost effective to have other payment options in place at this time.
- Khristina asked about current procedures in regard to covenant letters that are sent out and the follow up from there. Jonathan said the second letter goes out a week or so after the first if no response.
- Khristina also suggested less of a generic letter when sending covenant concerns.
- Also asked about our thoughts on camera for traffic safety on Stevens. John C. said he'd do some research on the camera boxes.
Treasurer’s Report: John Chapman
- John sent letters to 6 home owners that are behind in dues. No response has been made. John will be pursuing liens. However, about 89% of the HOA is paid.
- John also followed up on the Andres Landscaping contract issues. Jon stopped paying Andres to see when they would respond, after 3 or so months Andres contacted John. John pointed out past concerns, Andres responded by cleaning off moss, spraying, etc., and attempted to remedy the HOA concerns.
- John also handled a few payoff information requests by title companies via email.
Secretary: James Allen
- Voiced concerns about the overall covenant condition of the HOA. All board members agreed to map out a constructive path forward as a team.
- Past 2018 November minutes James had stated he would start working with the county on speed bump possibilities on Stevens. Nancy suggested waiting for Eagle Landing to get closer and that the County should pay for speed bumps. Jim Graham mentioned his experience on the board and the Fire Stations concern with speed bumps slowing the trucks down which could be a life or death situation. After receiving that information, and further board discussion, it appears speed bumps wouldn’t be an option unless there was a path between them for emergency vehicles. Regardless, this issue is tabled until Eagle Landing is approved.
Environmental Committee: David Nachand
- Nothing to report at this time. Was involved in board discussions in regard to covenants. Voiced his thoughts on how to address folks that are not following the covenants.
Covenant Compliance: Jonathan Handsaker
- Jonathan and John C are going to get together to resolve the Volvo issue. Jonathan was involved in the covenant concern discussion.
Architectural: Josh Gavrich
- Josh forwarded to the board in early December a neighbor’s request for a new roof, color black and approved.
- Also approved new fences on Steven Way and 94th. Steve Schroeder is building a fence per the covenants and was approved as well.
- Josh said when the neighbors at 96th contact him about the cedar tree and security issues that Nancy had brought to the board’s attention, he would approve.
- Neighbors, David & Glene Baer attending the board meeting, stayed over to discuss improvements they are planning with Josh after the meeting.
Safety: Steve Schroeder
- Met with safe routes in 10.18 in regard to the school traffic issues and hasn't heard anything back as of yet.
- n regard to the path's in need of repair, cement contractors haven't responded. Steve was going to contact another contractor.
Eagle Landing/CPO: Nancy Hall
- Nancy sent an email to the board and followed up during the meeting about a request from a neighbor on 96th that has a small cedar that is next to a light post near the mailbox. This tree has blocked light on the dark street and they have experienced car break ins as well as a homeless camper at one point. The tree is not native nor is it appealing to look at. Nancy said it makes sense to get rid of it, the board agreed.
- Nancy suggested replacing or repairing entry signs.
- Nancy also was part of the covenant discussion on appropriate ways to handle issues and also noted the lights on the north woods were staying on, and it may be good to record a traffic count on Stevens for future reference for Eagle Landing.
Eagle Landing:
- On November 20, 2018, the Happy Valley City Council approved the Eagle Landing Preliminary Master Plan Major Amendment allowing approximately 695,000 sq. ft. of development to be built on 10 acres instead of 17.7 acres. File number MPA-01-18.
- Eagle Landing has two years (and a possible 1 year extension) to file with the City a Final Master Plan. If the Final Master Plan is approved, then a Design Review application can be submitted.
- Condition of Approval no. 46: breaks down the vehicle trip generation cap of 739 AM peak hour vehicle trips or 1,015 PM peak hour vehicle trips as follows:
- East of Stevens Road (vacant land): 429 AM trips, 590 PM trips
- Stevens Orchard Apts: 36 AM trips, 62 PM trips
- New Hope Church property: 274 AM trips, 363 PM trips
- Condition of Approval no. 48 states: “That the applicant’s trip generation estimate shall be reevaluated and approved by the City of Happy Valley and Clackamas County DTD prior to the issuance of the Final Master Plan approval.”
- Condition of Approval no. 58 states in part that a Design Modification request must be submitted in order to use any Low Impact Development Approach (LIDA) stormwater BMP devices not currently in WES 2013 Stormwater Standards (i.e. green roof, porous paving, etc.). The preliminary stormwater management plan and overall development layout may require substantial changes if LIDA BMP performance does not meet District standards, as determined by WES.
- Condition of Approval no. 91 states in part: “In addition, at Final Master Plan submittal, the applicant shall submit an exhibit demonstrating the proposal meets residential density and floor area ratio, within the limits and/or ranges listed in Table 16.23.010-2. Further, at Final Master Plan submittal, the applicant shall submit architectural elevations, with final building height, for approval by the Planning Official or designee.”
- Condition of Approval no. 92 states in part: “Further, no building shall exceed ten stories in height.”
Officer Elections;
- Unanimously voted by the board, President Neil Gavrich, Vice President Khristina Powell, Treasurer John Chapman, Secretary (Acting) James Allen.
- Committee assignments; Outside Comms Nancy Hall, Architectural Josh Gavrich, Covenant Compliance Jonathan Handsaker, Safety Steve Schroeder and Environmental Dave Nachand.
Adjournment: at 9:07pm by Neil Gavrich.
Next Regular Board Meetings: February 5th, 2019 at 7 pm at the Fire Station and each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December when there will be no meeting.