January board meeting
Meeting Minutes – 1.3.2023
Location: Meeting at Monarch Hotel conference room
Board Members Present: Josh Gavrich, Kevin Quick, Neil Gavrich, John Chapman, Ellyn Jeck, Chuck Zwick, Darrel Maxwell
Board Members Absent: Khristina Powell, Dave Nachand, Mike Brumbach, Randy Flynn, Steve Schroeder
Homeowners Present: Dave Blank, Nancy Hall, Ben Derr, Charlie Irish
Guests: None
Call to Order: 7:04pm by outgoing President, Neil Gavrich
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Board Meeting November 1st, 2022
Meeting minutes of November voted on. All board members present approved minutes.
Homeowners Concerns:
- Fuels reduction – Ellyn working with a neighbor on King Way who can help us get in touch with Fire Marshalls and possibly grant money for working in the green spaces
- May look at getting Fire Marshall at an in person meeting in the future
- Ben – Wondering if anyone knows about the drains work around 95th Ct
- Drain work on 96th and below, posted on county website [Dave B received a mailer]
- Is wanting to put up a fence in the near future and wanted to know who to connect to
- Nancy mentioned seeing something about chip seal for fixing the bad spots in asphalt paths.
- Less prone to cracking
- Charlie mentioned fence install at his house [without approval]
- Kevin had already spoken with him and was going to bring issue to the board at the meeting.
- Kevin requesting a variance in fence design due to the layout of is lot [fence height is too high forward of house, but Charlie is parking a larger vehicle on side of house].
- Chuck Zwick brought up issues about renters, upkeep of properties and parking of numerous vehicles
- Discussion on parking issues in Cts around the HOA.
- If vehicles are moving once in a while, there is not a lot the HOA can do to prevent parking vehicles in street. Streets are public roads [not private], so we cannot enforce any parking restrictions on vehicles
- Vehicles in disrepair that do not move for long periods can be fined and/or have the county tow them away as abandoned vehicles [last resort]
- Upkeep of properties [landscape and rubbish] is the responsibility of the homeowner [regardless of whether they live there or rent it out]
- Repeat offenses should be brought to the covenants chair so that letters can be sent out and potential fines for offenses
- Dave Blank brought up issue with financials at the annual meeting not being discussed
- Wants to know if we can publish on the website
- Wants to know if we can get it annually [Jan or May meeting, depending on financial cycle]
- Alternate option would be to post in the newsletter
- Dave mentioned that as a nonprofit in Oregon, we should have a balance sheet and a P&L statement annually to publish
- New executive positions to look into the issues brought forth and ensure we are compliant with Oregon laws and HOA rules
Officer Elections
- Roles that need to filled this meeting [officer positions]; President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer
- Roles that should be filled; Environmental, Covenants, Architectural, Safety
- Discussion about positions for the new board members to see which assignments might suit them
- Ellyn mentioned being interested about covenants [not Secretary or Treasurer]
- Darrel mentioned being interested in Environmental
- Chuck mentioned being interested in Architectural
- Kevin mentioned being interested in taking President role
- Josh mentioned he would do the VP role, but not alongside the Secretary role
- With current President, Vice President and Covenants leaving, have a few positions needing filled
- Proposed board
- Kevin – President
- Josh – Vice President
- John – Treasurer
- Darrel – Secretary
- Ellyn – Covenants
- Chuck – Architectural
- Unanimous vote to approve new board
- Proposed board
President: Neil Gavrich
- Not present
Treasurer: John Chapman
- Financial update
- Balance on 12/31/21 was $66,564.82, balance 1 year later [12/31/22] was $75,956.42
- ~88% of homeowners paid dues so far
- Review of logos that Jessica [homeowner on King] put together for potential monument sign changes [replacing damaged one from driver on Idleman]
- Some modern, some traditional designs, to incorporate HOA name, some trees, etc
- Josh to look into Google works for the HOA; storage of digital documents, place for holding virtual meetings, more reliable email server, etc
Architectural: Kevin
- Variance for fence on house Stevens [discussion above]
- All board members present approved variance to fence height based on layout of lot
Covenants: Mike Brumbach
- Not present
Safety: Steve Schroeder
- Not present
Board Member at Large: Randy Flynn
- Not present
Environmental: Dave Nachand
- Not present
General Discussion:
- Email issues
- Started having issues around early November
- Emails to board have not been seen by members, but some individual accounts [treasurer, vice president] do not seem impacted the same.
- Need to look into alternative solutions to ensure continuity of communication
- Discussion about in person meetings
- Next meeting to be held in person, March to be virtual, April to be in person. Follow on meetings to be determined down the road.
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned by outgoing President at 8:48pm
Next Regular Board Meeting: February 7th, 2023 7:00PM, to be held in person at Monarch Hotel. Normal meetings at the Fire Station to be conducted the first Tuesday of the month, except in August and December when there will be no meeting.
Notes taken by Josh Gavrich