Meeting Minutes – 7.2.2019
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Khristina Powell, John Chapman, James Allen, Nancy Hall, Josh Gavrich, and Steve Schroeder.
Board Members Absent: Neil Gavrich and Dave Nachand.
Homeowners Present: None.
Guests: None.
Call to Order: 7:03pm by Vice President, Khristina Powell.
Approval of Meeting Minutes – Board Meeting June 4nd 2019
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made by Vice President Khristina Powell to approve the June 4th 2019 meeting minutes, seconded by John Chapman and all board members present approved.
Home Owner Concerns: None.
President: Neil Gavrich: Absent.
Vice-president: Khristina Powell
- Welcome & Reflection
- June Minutes Review & Approval
- Block Party & Postcards
- Entry signs
- HOA board insurance details
- Bids on removing blackberries & Ivy from Nancy's Woods and the East Woods.
- Committee Chair Updates:
- Sidewalk Project, Steve.
- Covenants, next team walk around, Jonathan.
- Architectural, Recent submissions for approval.
- Eagle Landing/CPO, Nancy.
- Environmental, David.
- Web, Thomas.
Khristina noted she would send out postcards for the block party the 3rd week of July. The block party is scheduled for Saturday August 10th.
Treasurer’s Report: John Chapman
- 98th Court cleaned up, considering a monthly maintenance plan. John noted he will be filing a lien on a property that is several years behind in dues.
- Received bids on removing invasive ivy, etc., from Nancy's woods. This is a three day process by hand, focusing on areas on and around the trees. Total bid is $3,750.00. If the job the contractor does is acceptable, we will have the contractor bid the East woods.
Secretary: James Allen
- Mentioned the HOA entry signs from prior meeting discussions. Contacted two sign companies that weren't interested in repainting them. Board discussion followed.
- Provided the minutes from the June 4th 2019 meeting.
Environmental Committee: David Nachand
Covenant Compliance: Jonathan Handsaker
- Jonathan noted he is planning a HOA walk later this month.
- Sent out several covenant letters, fines to follow from homeowners that haven't responded.
- Received complaints about barking dogs.
- Talked with Dave Nachand about a complaint he received in regard to his boat.
- Jonathan also offered to paint the entry signs. All board members agreed Jonathan should be paid for his labor of $150.00 per sign not including paint and other materials.
Architectural: Josh Gavrich
- Josh approved Kevin Biseaius new driveway and tree removal.
- Responded to emails from homeowners
- Approved John Shorts driveway.
Safety: Steve Schroeder
- Steve walked all the sidewalks that had been repaired, said all looked good.
Eagle Landing/CPO: Nancy Hall
No new news to report.
HOA Website: Thomas Spathas
On vacation!
Adjournment: at 8:19pm by Khristina Powell.
Next Regular Board Meetings: Sept. 3rd, 7 pm at the Fire Station and each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December when there will be no meeting.