Meeting Minutes – June 5, 2018
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Neil Gavrich, Suzanne Merritt, John Chapman, James Allen, Nancy Hall, Josh Gavrich, Jonathan Handsaker, Steve Schroeder and Natalie Harbaugh.
Board Members Absent: None.
Homeowners Present: Dave Gilman, Kelly Gavrich and Jim Graham. Thank you for attending!
Guests: none
Call to Order: 7:03 pm by President Neil Gavrich
Approval of Meeting Minutes – Board Meeting May, 5th 2018
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made by Neil Gavrich to approve the May 1st meeting minutes, seconded by James Allen and all board members approved.
Homeowner Concerns
- Jim Graham had concerns of several homes in the HOA with potential upkeep/covenants violations. All board members agreed to set a time to walk the neighborhood. Jim also noted Sunrise water is planning on installing new water lines within the HOA. Specific areas unknown at this time, Sunrise is still in the planning stages. Several meters throughout have been replaced.
- Kelly Gavrich suggested a National Neighborhood night out for the HOA. After discussing it the board agreed it would be a fun event for the neighborhood. Kings Way seems to be a central and ideal area for the event. Cost for Food, Paper and postcard mailers estimated at $750.00. Approved.
President: Neil Gavrich
- Approval of May minutes.
- July and August meeting planning. Moving the July meeting to July 10th.
- Homeowner concerns.
- National night out, Tuesday August 7th.
- Water Authority work.
- Others.
- Board Member/Committee reports.
- Neil brought up past meeting discussion on building a bridge on Nancy court. The HOA will pay for materials, Neil said he'd build the bridge.
Vice-president: Suzanne Merritt
- Suzanne said she'd make up the post cards for the National night out. Will follow up with Andres Landscaping on the moss removal for Nancy courts greenspace entrance.
Treasurer’s Report: John Chapman
- Landscape project completed. Looks great. All agreed. Was an issue with the light pole knocked over, was repaired. A high percentage of homeowner’s dues are paid. One check bounced that was paid by a homeowner that had sold.
- John suggested a commercial grade picnic table and bench would be nice to add to Nancy's Woods. Cost $422.00. Shipping costs to be determined. John motioned for approval, Neil seconded and all Board Members approved. Bob Stallman’s issues with the vines have been remedied.
- John noted were still having issues with spraying of moss on pathways.
Secretary; James Allen
- Provided the May 5th meeting minutes.
Environmental Committee: Natalie Harbaugh.
- Is going to check with Jonathan in regard to the decayed tree issue.
- Volunteered to be the new welcoming homeowner liaison!
Covenant Compliance: Jonathan Handsaker
- Barking dog’s complaint. Nothing further than discussion with Jim Grahams concerns.
Architectural: Josh Gavrich
- Two tree removal requests. Kings Maple hitting foundation of sidewalks and impacting foundation of the home 9662 SE Kings way. 10658 SE 96th Rotten tree. These requests were approved.
Safety: Steve Schroeder
- Contacted Mt. Scott Elementary School Principal. School doesn't monitor traffic issues but will contact others in the district about the issue. Steve suggested extending the school zone to help reduce speeding. Steve contacted the County as well and plans to follow up.
- Walked along HOA pathways found several areas that need attention.
- Steve & John Chapman will be working on ideas to resolve the safety issues.
Eagle Landing/CPO: Nancy Hall
- CPO MEETING 6/4/18: Dave Queener of Clackamas County spoke about traffic and pedestrian improvements that are coming to the Town Center Area. Construction should begin in May 2019. Construction will be done in three parts and is expected to be completed in 2021. The upcoming improvements can be viewed at: County Commissioner, Sonya Fischer, was also a guest speaker. She spoke about various County issues such as housing, the new County Courthouse, and the budget. The merger between the Sunnyside CPO and West Mt Scott CPO is scheduled to come before the Board of County Commissioners possibly on July 12th.
- EAGLE LANDING: Happy Valley is reporting that the developers may possibly amend their original master plan to propose less development.
HOA Web Site and Homeowner Participant: Thomas Spathas manages the HOA website.
Homeowner Participant: Dave Gilman.
Adjournment: at 8:45pm by Neil Gavrich.
Next Regular Board Meetings: July 10th, 2018 at 7 pm at the Fire Station, subject to meeting room availability. And each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December.