Meeting Minutes – 3.5.2019
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Neil Gavrich, Khristina Powell, John Chapman, James Allen, Josh Gavrich, Jonathan Handsaker, Steve Schroeder, and David Nachand.
Board Members Absent: Nancy Hall.
Homeowners Present: Dave Gilman. Thank you for attending!
Guests: None.
Call to Order: 7:02pm by Neil Gavrich
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes – Board Meeting January 8th 2019
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made by Neil to approve the January 8th 2019 meeting minutes edited, seconded by Khristina and all board members present approved.
The February meeting was cancelled due to weather.
Homeowner Concerns: None.
President: Neil Gavrich
3.5.19 Agenda:
- Approval of January minutes.
- Electrical Quotes Review.
- Landscaping contract updates.
- Fire Station Application. Done.
- March walk 16th. 9am.
- Path Safety.
- Secretary voting.
- Covenant Letter with HOA dues bills.
- Homeowner concerns.
- Trash pickup schedule. Upper level; Sunset Garbage every Friday. Lower South of Stevens; Waste Management every Tuesday.
- Others.
Board member/committee reports.
Common area between 99th and Stevens (Nancy's woods);
- Lights were staying on except for number 7. John got a quote from Stoner Electric and James got a quote from Parkin Electric. After discussion it was decided to go with the Parkin quote, excluding removal of the shields. Parkin Estimated Quote is for $788.13.
Vice-president: Khristina Powell
- Preparing for the spring newsletter.
Treasurer’s Report: John Chapman
- Jim Graham suggested new landscapers, the issue is they are not licensed etc. John checked with the insurance company, they have to be licensed. John noted every two years we have to do an audit, which will be at the next meeting. John will send the draft contract to the board.
Secretary: James Allen
- Followed up with PGE on broken street light glass on 99th, which was repaired. PGE did say they only trim trees around poles where the wires are above ground. It is the responsibility of homeowners to trim the trees around the light poles. James also sent the Forest management plan to all board members. Received 3 quotes for future informational purposes on neighborhood patrolling. All board members agreed the cost is too high.
Environmental Committee: David Nachand
- David is going to get quotes on the HOA common area landscape maintenance.
Covenant Compliance: Jonathan Handsaker
Sent letters to several homes that are in covenant violation based on notes from the January board walk around.
Architectural: Josh Gavrich
- Josh received emails since the last meeting. 9841 King Way had an arborist come out to look at several trees that are dying. Three are rotted and need to be removed. Josh approved removal. Our new neighbors at 10051 SE 100th drive asked about modifying the current fence with gates, to put a travel trailer behind it. Approved.
Safety: Steve Schroeder
- Steve said he was going to contact other contractors about fixing path areas in need of repair. Steve heard back from Safe Routes to School from meeting back in 10.2018. For more info click the tab on the SMHOA website.
Eagle Landing/CPO: Nancy Hall, Absent.
HOA Web Site: Thomas Spathas Absent.
Homeowner Participant: Dave Gillman
- Dave is Vice Chair on the board of the new Sunnyside-West Mt. Scott CPO Nancy Hall is a board member on the same. Both have been attending meetings over the last several months. See past minute notes.
Officer Elections: As follow on to January officer elections. The board unanimously voted James Allen as Secretary for the 2019 calendar year.
Adjournment: at 8:30pm by Neil Gavrich.
Next Regular Board Meetings: April 2nd, 2019 at 7 pm at the Fire Station and each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December when there will be no meeting.