Meeting Minutes – 3.5.2020
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Neil Gavrich, John C., Jonathan H. and Steve Schroeder.
Board Members Absent: Josh Gavrich, Khristina Powell, David N.
Homeowners Present: Dennis Shaffer, Mike Brumbach, Rueben and Ester, Jeff Duhkroop
Guests: None.
Call to Order: 7:08pm by President, Neil Gavrich
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Board Meeting February 4, 2020
A motion was made by Neil Gavrich to approve the February 2020 meeting minutes, seconded by John Chapman and all board members present approved.
Thomas to post on HOA website
Homeowners Concerns:
- Deli Sign - Thomas reported via email that the situation seems to be resolved. The homeowner with the sign had some questions for Josh as Architectural chair last week.
- Political Signs - They are allowed with certain restrictions as listed in covenants
- From Covenants: Signs - No signs shall be erected or maintained on any lot (excluding Scott Mountain entry-way signs) except that not more than one “For Sale” or “For Rent” sign placed by the Owner, the Declarant or by a licensed real estate agent, not exceeding twenty four (24) inches high and thirty-six (36) inches long, may be temporarily displayed on any lot, and except one professional sign of not more than three square feet which must comply with Clackamas County sign ordinances
- From Rules and Fines: Political signs not to exceed 3 square feet may be posted for a reasonable period not to exceed 60 days prior to an election and must be removed immediately following the election
- 10121 SE 100th DR - Dead tree and vehicles in disrepair. John to send Jonathan name and specific covenants being violated. Jonathan to send a letter.
- White Ford pickup parked on Gia Court - Jonathan to send letter requesting this be moved in 7 days or less, or else it will be reported to Clackamas County for towing
- House at 99th and 100th - Work truck parked in side driveway, inviolation of covenants. Should be behind a fence or other appropriate screen. Jeff was present at the meeting and reported he is working on a parking spot for this at his business and it won’t be here consistently much longer. Considered resolved.
- Jeff Duhkroop requested approval to extend the fence in front of his house. To be reviewed by Josh or Dennis for approval.
- Ruben and Ester (99th and Stevens Way) have a tree in the back of the house that is leaning and they want permission to remove it. They planted this tree in 1977. Josh had looked at this previously but did not provide a final ruling. Josh or Dennis to review and make determination.
- Entry sign - Mike commented the sign on 99th looks like it could be refreshed. This is despite it being painted last year. Board to monitor and determine if we should get new signs this year.
- Landscape contractor bids - David reported by email that he has additional bid incoming
- Spring Newsletter - Khristina reported by email that she has started drafting spring newsletter, looking for inputs. Newsletter needs to be delivered by April 02, per the bylaws.
- Spring Dumpsters - Neil to determine when spring dumpsters should be placed and coordinate with David to order dumpsters. - Proposed date of May 15th-18th, to be confirmed by board and published in Spring newsletter.
President: Neil Gavrich
- Answered a few call this month and put together agenda
Vice President: Khristina Powell
- Drafting spring newsletter
Treasurer: John Chapman
- John provided Neil a detailed accounting for President’s annual audit
- Neil to conduct an audit.
- John provided overview of last year’s spending (see attached) and recommended setting of Annual Dues for 2020 at $110 per household, Neil seconded and all board members approved.
- At $110/ house with 249 houses and assuming 92% payment rate (based on historical data), expected income from annual dues is $25,199
Architectural: Josh Gavrich
- Not Present
Safety: Steve Schroeder
- Nothing to report
HOA Website: Thomas Spathas
- Not Present
Home Owner Participant/Eagle Landing/CPO: Nancy Hall
- Not Present
- Dennis and Mike Brumbach were each appointed to the board unanimously to fill the open board seats. This brings Board member count to 9 as directed by covenants.
- Neil to determine terms for new board members
- Josh to update Roster
- Thomas to add new members to website and email list
Officer elections
- Neil made a motion to hold officer elections tonight, despite the absence of three board members. Josh and Khristina had both expressed their support of this, and their preferences for officer positions in prior emails. John seconded this motion and all board members (including newly appointed members) concurred.
- Individual nominations and votes were taken for each of the board positions and the following officers were elected for 2020 unanimously (including newly appointed members)
Vice President: Khristina Powell
Treasurer: John Chapman
Secretary: Josh Gavrich
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned by Neil Gavrich with consent of all present.
Next Regular Board Meeting: April 7th, 2020 7:00PM at the Fire Station and each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December when there will be no meeting.