Meeting Minutes – 3.2.2021
Location: Virtual meeting
Board Members Present: Neil Gavrich, Josh Gavrich, Jonathan Chapman, Khristina Powell, Mike Brumbach, Greg Giuliano, Kevin Quick, Steve Schroeder
Board Members Absent: Thomas Spathas, David Nachand
Homeowners Present: Dave Gilman
Guests: None
Call to Order: 7:00pm by President, Neil Gavrich
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Board Meeting February 2nd, 2021
A motion was made by Neil Gavrich to approve the February 2021 meeting minutes, with previous corrections [via email], all board members present approved.
Homeowners Concerns:
Housing development update, between Hillcrest and Causey
- Approx 3:1 housing units compared to our development
- Intend to install speed bumps to slow down traffic
- Parking limitations do not seem to be a concern to the developers
President: Neil Gavrich
- Tree cutting on 100th Dr. Kevin followed up with homeowner, no report from arborist yet. Potential to measure and fine for infractions
- Tree cutting on 99th (reported just before meeting). No follow up from the arborist or homeowner yet. Potential to measure and fine for infractions
- John and Mike to follow up on both
- Side note about availability and cost for arborists, can be lengthy and costly for homeowners. May need to evaluate based on site survey in cases of trees causing damage or otherwise, to remove without arborist reports.
- Roof replacement on 100th Dr. Board not informed ahead of time, but may be due to recent ice storm issues
- Roof replacement on King Way. Board not informed ahead of time, but seems to be right after storm. Josh to follow up
- Yard waste bins, need to pull them in earlier due to tree debris from ice storm. Need to vote on the budget in order to publish in the newsletter prior to invoicing
Vice President: Khristina Powell
- Newsletter reminder as it is coming up soon
- Looking for quick bio of the board members so people can get to know them better, build community more.
Treasurer: John Chapman
- Discussion regarding the forecasts for next year expenses. Plan presented to with reduce dues to $100 or keep them at $110 per year (pay for future projects)
- Motion made to approve budget with annual dues at $110 per year. All board members present voted in favor.
Secretary: Josh Gavrich
- Lighting issues from last meeting were addressed with Stoner Electric. New light is flashing now. Stoner is working with the manufacturer to look at what is causing lighting issues / short life. Potential that the lamps may be too close to the base and overheating, but did not provide the “gap” that the lights need.
Architectural: Greg and Kevin
- Update regarding trees in the east woods. Contacted Clay’s Tree Service; booked out a few weeks due to storm cleanup. 3 trees to remove (and half of one that needs dealt with) up towards Champagne Lane (concern from homeowner). All board members present voted in favor of booking tree service and cleaning up the 3 + ½ tree.
Safety: Steve Schroeder
Not present
Covenants: Mike Brumbach
- Follow up regarding HOA signs (current wooden ones on 92nd and 99th). Quote from FastSigns came back at $700 for signs and $600 for install. Still waiting on a quote from Ramsay signs. Discuss at the next meeting and look at the budget for replacement.
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned by Neil Gavrich with consent of all present at 7:40pm (meeting short due to virtual meeting time limitation)
Next Regular Board Meeting: April 6th, 2021 7:00PM, likely to be held virtually due to Covid-19. Normal meetings at the Fire Station to be conducted the first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December when there will be no meeting.