Board Meeting Minutes – 03.05.24
Location: Monarch Hotel conference room
Board Members Present: Kevin Quick, John Chapman, Darrell Maxwell, Ellyn Jeck, Josh Gavrich
Board Members Absent: Dave Nachand
Homeowners Present: Dave Blank, Nancy Hall
Guests: None
Call to Order: 7:05 pm by President
Approval of Meeting Minutes: All board members present voted to approve the minutes from the February meeting.
Homeowner Topics:
- Dave Blank – conducted a look back at consumer price and inflation indices to estimate the ceiling for HOA annual dues. He found that it could be as high as $487.80 per home, per year, based on the guidelines.
- See attachment
President: Kevin Quick
- Post winter storm, fallen tree removal and clean-up continues and much progress has been made.
Vice President: Josh Gavrich
- Pathway lights occasionally flicker or burn out after a period of freezing weather – has anyone observed any issues?
- No board member has noticed any lighting issues.
- Question: Is it time to remove board members who rarely attend board meetings or participate?
- Kevin mentioned that we will address this at during the election period this year.
- We can remove contact information for inactive board members now.
- Kevin mentioned that we will address this at during the election period this year.
- The Tax filing project is on hold until May when the CPA becomes available.
- Homeowner that cut down trees without approval has appealed the board’s decision to fine the homeowner. The homeowner claims that the trees in question were a safety issue.
- This home is in significant arrears with their HOA dues in the amount of more than $3,000 which are payable and due ASAP.
- Kevin made a motion that no fine is to be charged to the homeowner for the “codominant” tree that was declared sick by the arborist – all board members in attendance agreed.
- Updated projected financial reserve study suggests that the Board should vote to increase homeowner dues on the following schedule:
- 2024: $135
- 2025: $145
- 2026: $155
- 2027: $165
- 2028: $175
- The Board will need to vote on the 2024 increase by the April meeting.
- Darrell will make a motion at the April meeting to raise the dues to $155 and hold them there until 2026 (absent any extenuating circumstances such as another major storm).
- A motion was raised to reimburse John Chapman for 1 tank of gas based on years of round trip visits to the PO Box, FedEx, and other HOA related travel. All board members in attendance agreed.
- Postcard communications project – to promote and feature specific initiatives
- Upcoming card dedicated to recruiting homeowners to join the board and to participate in the management of the HOA
- Met with Andres Landscaping and am awaiting a quote for the updated scope of work
- Scope: clear six feet on either side of the pathways throughout the green spaces
- Phase one: Initial clean-up
- Periodic upkeep, phase two
- Andres does not own a Brush Hog
- Scope: clear six feet on either side of the pathways throughout the green spaces
- Offered to devote some time to updating HOA board officer position descriptions.
- Multiple homeowners have presented letters from arborists attesting to damaged or sick trees to be removed – these requests were approved.
- One homeowner has presented designs for minor changes to their roofline with the addition of an awning to the side of the home. All members present approved.
- A resident has requested to replace a cedar fence that was damaged by a downed tree with a chain link fence to include plastic slats as a visual barrier. Based on the location of this chain link fence, the board has approved this request.
- Question was posed: What to do when a homeowner asks that the board take action or provide support but has not paid their HOA dues. One such homeowner has requested that we pay for removal of debris caused by a tree that fell from HOA property.
- More deliberation is needed to answer this question.
Covenants: Ellyn Jeck
- Sending a letter to the home on Cleone with a lot of debris in the yard, a tree is leaning on the home and there seems to be no obvious signs of people living there. 10030 SE Cleone Ct.
General Discussion: None.
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned by President at 8:44 pm.
Next Regular Board Meeting: Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024, to be held in person. Normal meetings to be conducted on the first Tuesday of the month, except in July and December when there will be no meeting.
Subject Inflation Research
10.3 Cost of Living Adjustments - The dollar amounts set forth in Section 8.2 with respect to maintenance assessments, and Section 9.1 and 9.3 with respect to penalties for violations, may in the discretion of Declarant (or, after delegation, the Association) be increased by one percent for each one percent increase occurring after January 1, 1976, in the United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index, all Items, for Portland, Oregon, or the successor of such index
https:Uwww.bls.govLregions/west/data/consumerpriceiodex portland tallliWld.f,tsecies/CUUSA425SA0The Portland Index has been discontinued and replaced as of 2017. I can find no original index data earlier than 1984. The original index was reinitialized to 100 in 1984.
The original index was replaced in 2017. However the new index was not back calculated for earlier years. Consequently, there does not appear to be a method to get from 1976 to 2024 with a combination if indexes.
The above website is for the CPI-U (U=Urban). Under the inflation calculator tab, you can calculate year to year inflation for any time period. The inflation for the period of 1976 to 2024 is 442.0%. Their calculation shows that a
$1itemin 1976 now costs $5.42, an increase of $4.42 or 442.0%. Consequently, applying that percent to the $90 maintenance assessment provides an adjustment to $487.80 as of 1/1/24. I did not look up the actual index numbers and relied on the calculator. The actual index numbers are available. Again, the CPI-U was also reinitialized to 100in 1984.
Financial reporting requirements under the HOA bylaws are not currently being met. Financial reporting requirements under Or. Rev. Stat.§94.670 are not currently being met.
An increase of revenue to $75K requires an independent CPA audit.