Meeting Minutes – 5.5.2020
Location: Virtual meeting (Zoom)
Board Members Present: Neil Gavrich, John C., Steve Schroeder, Dennis Shaffer, Mike Brumbach, Josh Gavrich, Khristina Powell
Board Members Absent: Jonathan H, Thomas Spathas, David Nachand
Homeowners Present:, Sally Robinson, Jim Graham
Guests: None.
Call to Order: 7:01pm by President, Neil Gavrich
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Board Meeting April 7th, 2020
- A motion was made by Neil Gavrich to approve the April 2020 meeting minutes, all board members present approved; minor correction to add Thomas under “present” members.
Keo Chen
- Wanting to install a new driveway, starting May 17th
Will need to remove some bushes to accommodate changes to the driveway
Dennis will review scope of work
Spring Newsletter
- Kristina sent the newsletters off to FedEx and they were being printed. John did receive the newsletters, but they did not have postage put on them. He is busy putting together invoices and post marking them, so Josh volunteered to take care of the postage. John and Josh to handle offline in regard to timing.
President: Neil Gavrich
- Has not gotten to dealing with the path lights between Derek and Kela
- Josh will take care of in the next few days while he is off work.
- Details received from James about the two electricians we have had on the project before (Stoner – light replacement, Parkin – repair of wiring).
- Newsletter updates as above
- Almost done with invoices (help from Dennis to prep for mailing)
- Discussed the houses that are in arrears and funding expectations from the annual invoices, based on previous payouts.
- Discussed issue of Poison Oak popping up in the greenspace. Will take some pictures and send to Thomas to post on the website for public awareness.
- Took a look at bridges and constructed new one (off Kela Pl); already in place. Neil thought one bridge could use another brace, Dennis and Neil to review.
- House painting for Jessie Rodriguez
- House painting for David Martin
Safety: Steve Schroeder
- Working with Alamo Paving, coming out for a quote regarding the greenspace paths. Meeting on Thursday at 8:30am to walk the paths and discuss options for dealing with all the roots and paths being damaged in areas. Potential for gravel to regrade and then a new path laid on top in areas. Josh will attend as well.
- 93rd Ct issues - Emailed to Ron about the meeting time tonight, but Ron said he could not see the details. Dennis also emailed Ron and received a response “got it” from Ron. Numerous issues brought up from 93rd Ct in past few meetings (signs, trees, fence, etc). Numerous board members have tried to resolve issues with Jim but have not received much [or any] communication to come to any terms. Board members came to conclusion that Jim and Ron are welcome to come to the meetings and discuss, but that further resolution will not occur outside of the meetings due to lack of communication from them. Neither Jim nor Ron attended the meeting.
Next Regular Board Meeting: June 2nd, 2020 7:00PM, likely to be held virtually due to Covid-19. Normal meetings at the Fire Station to be conducted the first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December when there will be no meeting.