Board Meeting of November 1, 2016
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: John Short, Carl Feague, Dennis Shaffer, John Chapman, Dave Gilman, , Bob Stallman, Nancy Hall, Josh Gavrich, Jonathon Handsaker, Suzanne Merritt
Absent: Neil Gavrich, Jonathan Harbaugh
Homeowners Present: Sally Robinson, Thomas Spathas (see attachment)
Guests: none
Call to Order: 7:00 pm by President Carl Feague
Approval of Meeting Minutes – Board Meeting October 4, 2016
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made by Carl to approve the October 4, 2016 minutes as submitted. It was seconded by John Chapman and all Board members present approved.
President: Carl Feague
- Carl reported he was trying to confirm the meeting room reservation at the fire station for 2017. He sent an email to Tracy Grisham of Clackamas Fire.
- He sent an email to Pacific Northwest Electric about inoperative path light #1. No response yet.
- He asked who will do the Christmas light contest? We have 6 possible categories, where the winners will receive winner signs and a prize. Suzanne will do.
- He reported that the Shaffer bridges are still in good shape.
- He asked who would take over the HOA web site. Thomas Spathas agreed to take over web site.
- Dennis Shaffer’s son-in-law removed brush from around the young trees in the common area.
Vice-president: Dennis Shaffer
- Dennis said he would resign and turn over his voting member term to Suzanne. She agreed. See motion at end under election of officers.
- He will continue to do the newsletter and attend the meetings.
Secretary: Dave Gilman
- He provided the minutes for the October 4, 2016 Board meeting for approval.
Treasurer’s Report: John Chapman
- John said the drain project was to start in two weeks.
- John met with Mosaic Ecology on the work that they will do in the common area. John told them he wanted to be able to verify the work was done. Mosaic will remove ivy, non-native blackberries, and poison oak.
- He said the Chase bank finally got back to him and did not approve his request for a loan, which may be needed for the drain work. He would prefer to use an Oregon based financial institution. Unitus was suggested. Carl made a motion to move the accounts to an Oregon based bank. Dave seconded and all members present approved.
Environmental Committee: Jonathan Harbaugh
- He was not present. Carl reported that the street drains had been cleaned.
- The dumpsters are scheduled for the weekend of the 11th as reported in the newsletter.
Covenant Compliance: Vacant
- John Chapman and Carl are taking care of complaints.
Architectural: John Short
- John Short reported on the discussion with homeowner Todd Yost (9800 SE King Way) about the water damage to his house. His gazebo was approved last summer and at that time he asked about a tree on HOA property that he was concerned about. He asked that it be checked but the security person responsible at that time did not get back to him. His basement was flooded recently. He thought that the tree’s roots may have caused the water damage. He put the Board on notice. After inspection John said it not appear that the roots were the cause of the problem. The basement wall had a large crack. The Board has not heard from Mr. Yost since the meeting, so the assumption is the Insurance Co has taken care of it. John recommends the Board consider removing the tree.
- John said this was his last report as his term was over and he appreciates serving.
Safety: Bob Stallman
- He reported he is still trying to get someone to look at trees discussed at the last meeting.
- He reported that some street lights won’t go off. He called PGE.
- He will get us on the Counties list to have the photo radar in our area.
Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall
- Nancy reported that the planning commission hearing on Eagles Landing is delayed until December 13. (Note: Later info from Nancy is that the meeting has been delayed until March 14, 2017.) The traffic engineers (Happy Valley, County, ODOT) had a summit on the studies done for the project, but it was not open to the public. The decision on if the studies are adequate will determine when and if the project can proceed.
Election of Officers and Committee Chairmen
- John made a motion that Suzanne takes Dennis’s position on the Board and to be vice-present. Dennis has agreed to be a non-voting member and continue to do the newsletter. This was seconded by Dennis and all Board members present approved.
- Neil was nominated and elected President, as there were no other candidates.
- Jonathon Handsaker was appointed Chairman of covenants committee. John Chapman is on the committee.
- Josh was appointed to do the Architectural Committee Chairman. He and Jonathon Handsaker will work together on both committees.
- Dennis Shaffer and Thomas Spathas will be non-voting members. Dennis will continue to edit the newsletter and Thomas will work on the HOA web site.
Homeowner Issues
Thomas Spathas is a homeowner at 10826 SE 93rd Court. He described the water issues affecting his yard. During the recent heavy rain there was water flowing into his backyard from the street above. He is asking for suggestions about what can be done about this. The suggestion was to determine where water was coming from and if all the street drains are clear.
Adjournment: at 8:20 pm by Carl
Next Regular Board Meetings: January 3, 2017 at 7 pm at the Fire Station. And each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December.