Meeting Minutes – 10.1.2019
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Neil Gavrich, Khristina Powell, John Chapman, James Allen, Nancy Hall, Josh Gavrich, Steve Schroeder and Dave Nachand.
Board Members Absent: None.
Homeowners Present: Robert Robinson, Dave Gilman and Jim Graham.
Guests: None.
Call to Order: 7:03pm by President, Neil Gavrich
Approval of Meeting Minutes – Board Meeting September 3rd 2019
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made by President Neil Gavrich to approve the September 3rd 2019 meeting minutes based on a few changes, seconded by James and all board members present approved.
President: Neil Gavrich:
- Annual meeting - election of board members. Neil, Nancy and Josh are at end of term. Neil and Josh are eligible to be reelected, only having served 1 term to date. Nancy has served two terms, appointed Nov 2013, re-elected Oct 2016, so is not eligible per Article IV paragraph 3. If there are no other homeowners wishing to be board members, and Nancy wishes to continue as a board member, I will motion to suspend that rule of the bylaws and elect Nancy to a third term.
- Sign on 99 - Fine waiver due to mailing: Yes, as the owners contacted two members of the board.
- Trash cans. Next month.
Home Owner concerns:
- Robert Robinson - Asked about PGE outages, Neil said PGE was upgrading our wiring throughout the HOA. Asked about several paths that are a trip hazard.
- Rob Powell - Had discussion with the school about playing on school grounds after school. Was OK then Rob was told no playing until after 4. Neil suggested discussing it further with the school district as this is not a HOA issue.
- Jim Graham - Jim noted he had contacted PGE about 3 pole lights that were out. PGE came and replaced the lights.
- Special note - Newsletters were delivered ~ 9/20 which met the requirement of ten day notice per the bylaws, Article III, paragraph 3.
Board Member committee reports.
Vice-president: Khristina Powell
- Completed the Fall Newsletter.
- Neil gave Khristina control of the board for elections. Khristina motioned to nominate Neil Gavrich to another three year term, John Chapman seconded and all other board members present voted yes. John Chapman nominated Josh Gavrich to another three year term, James seconded and all board members present voted yes.
Treasurer’s Report: John Chapman
- John reported, Greenscape landscaping in July spent 3 days in Nancy's woods removing Ivy and black berries. In September they spent 4 days removing Ivy and black berries and spraying in the east woods.
- John also mentioned he received what appeared to be a double bill from Waste management and would check into it further.
Secretary: James Allen
- Provided the minutes from the 9.3.2019 meeting.
- James received a call from the owners on 99th about the hiring sign in the yard. The owners removed the sign. The board all agreed to waive the fine based on mailing address issues.
- Neil asked James to contact Parkin Electric to check into the path lights that are out between Derrick Court and Kela Court. Parkin scheduled for 10.22.19 in the afternoon or earlier if they have a cancellation. Josh said he may have an electrician that could get out sooner.
Environmental Committee: David Nachand
- Dave said he was waiting to receive quotes on the common area maintenance. Dave also said he would order the fall dumpsters.
Covenant Compliance: Jonathan Handsaker
- Sent out letters to neighbors. Neil suggested going through the list of issues on the Kings Way rental to forward to the new management company.
- Jonathan said he had some touch ups to do on the two HOA signs he repainted.
Architectural: Josh Gavrich
- 10385 SE 97th – Painting of house – not approved - looks like repairs and painting was underway.
- 10787 SE 96th Ct – tree removal request – PENDING – approved, a stipulation of a TREE replacing it (not a small bush) – pending other members to look at it.
- 10354 SE 97th – carport – approved
- 9831 SE King Way – house painting – approved
- 9851 SE King Way – house painting – approved
- 10637 SE 96th – cedar shake front face – approved
- 10011 SE 100th – hedges being fixed by PGE (damage when repairs to electrical were done)
Safety: Steve Schroeder
- Steve thought it would be a good idea to look into a small pathway of gravel being installed on the HOA greenspace common area around Stevens road for kids to use after school. Neil agreed.
Eagle Landing/CPO: Nancy Hall
- Nancy noted the no trespassing signs in Kings Way Street Commons (Nancy's woods) had been taken down. Nancy located most of them and said she will put them back up. Those notices are meant for non home owners.
- Nancy is ineligible for another term on the board per the bylaws.
Eagle Landing Report, Sept 2019
Eagle Landing has filed their Final Master Plan with the City of Happy Valley. There will not be a public hearing, but comments are accepted until Oct. 4th.
Eagle Landing is proposing starting phase one by building on lot number 4, which is located at the SW corner of the site. They will be building the hotel, some apartments and some retail. They do not have a tenant for the hotel at this time. Not clear at this time the height of the buildings. They also will be building the entrance monument to the site which includes a clock tower.
There is an issue with the storm drain situation. A report by the company GeoDesign in the Drainage Report states that (pg.13): “Due to the presence of generally stiff silt soil with minimal sand and the potential for shallow perched groundwater during the wet season, it is our opinion that on-site infiltration at the site is not feasible and stormwater should be directed to municipal water systems.” Eagle Landing has requested from Clackamas County a Stormwater Standard Modification Request due the above finding. Eagle Landing owns the small parcel of land located directly north of the Office Depot store. They propose to divert the stormwater from the Eagle Landing development to this site. Unsure if there is already a stormwater detention pond there now or if they will be building one. They must prove to authorities that they have authorization to use the parking lot at Office Depot to access their land – or provide access off of Bob Schumacher.
Eagle Landing is required to submit a new (auto) trip generation estimate to be reevaluated and approved by the City of Happy Valley and Clackamas County DTD prior to the issuance of the Final Master Plan. This was a condition of approval as stated in Condition 48 when the Preliminary Master Plan was approved last year. I did not see a new trip generation report included in the Final Master Plan so I am looking into this matter. The only traffic report submitted was regarding sight distances at the entry/exit points at the site.
Upcoming CPO Meeting:
The Sunnyside United Neighbors and West Mt Scott CPO meeting will be on October 7th, 7:00, at the fire station. Topics will be:
- New proposed Clackamas County Courthouse
- Proposed regulation for short-term/vacation rentals in Clackamas County.
- Clackamas Regional Center Mobility Improvements Projects in Clackamas Town Center.
- Election of Officers and Board members.
Nancy Hall
HOA Website: Thomas Spathas
Dave Gilman, Home Owner Participant
- Dave sent the board an email that New Hope Church had been sold, per his conversation with a church member, to the Asian Catholic church. From 800 members to 5000. Potential traffic issues.
- Dave also mentioned a tree that had fallen in the HOA common area around Derrick Court. Looks as though a section could be cut out and would be sufficient. Josh said he'd take care of it and Neil offered to help.
Adjournment: at 8:45pm by Neil Gavrich for the regular monthly meeting. Opened the annual meeting for elections at 8:46pm. Adjournment at 9:00PM.
Next Regular Board Meetings: November 5th, 7:00PM at the Fire Station and each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December when there will be no meeting.