Board Meeting of September 6, 2016
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: John Short, Carl Feague, Dennis Shaffer, John Chapman, Dave Gilman, Jonathan Harbaugh, Bob Stallman, Nancy Hall
Absent: None
Homeowners Present: Robert and Sally Robinson
Guests: Bob Mulkey TMG Management Group
Call to Order: 7:07 pm by President Carl Feague
Approval of Meeting Minutes – Board Meeting July 12, 2016
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made by Carl to approve the July 12, 2016 minutes as submitted. It was seconded by John Short and all Board members present approved.
Homeowner Issues
Bob Mulkey discussed what his management company (TMG Management Group) can do for the HOA. He said they can do as little or as much needed for HOA business, as dues and covenant violations. They also track laws and the changes that apply to HOA. They have staff with experience. They provide training for Board members. They manage 140 properties of which 40% are single family as our HOA. He asked if we had done a Reserve Study recently. He said they had staff that do one for us. The charges will depend on services provided and based on the management hours required at $95 per hour. He will send us an estimate based on different tiers of service.
President: Carl Feague
- Carl reported he has been trimming the trails.
- He approved a Tuff Shed installation at 10251 SE 100th Drive for Rich Young.
- He discussed HOA actions for unoccupied houses in the area. He asked if it is worthwhile sending periodic account statement to them. John Chapman said it would not do any good until someone takes responsibility for the property.
Vice-president: Dennis Shaffer
- Dennis said he wanted articles for the fall newsletter. He plans to get it out by end of September.
Secretary: Dave Gilman
- He provided the minutes for the July 12, 2016 Board meeting for approval.
- He requested updates for Board of Directors list.
- He said thanks to Carl and his son for burying the dead deer that was in the common area, located above 100th Drive near Idleman road.
Treasurer’s Report: John Chapman
- John reported on HOA finances. We have cash accounts of $55,061. There are 205 paid up homeowners. See attached report showing dues status.
- Drain update. John met with Clay’s Tree Service about removing the large tree whose roots are blocking the drain. He received an estimate of $1400. He recommended taking out the large tree so work could start on the pipe replacement. He also talked with Lovett Services about how the drain could be fixed. The first step would be to replace the pipe up to the tree and then to video the pipe to see if it clear. They bid $5000 to do this work. The next step, if needed, is the worst case, is if the pipe is broken and we need to replace the pipe up to the next clean out at about $20,000. John made a motion to remove the large tree on the Derrick-Kela Court path and then have Lovett Services replace the pipe up to this point and scope the section beyond the tree, at a cost not to exceed $7000. Dennis seconded and all Board members approved (all were present).
- He reported on a car (a blue Buick) that has been speeding that belongs to the homeowner at 10058 SE 100 drive. A letter will be sent asking them to stay within the speed limit.
- Carl said he would pick up the green belt signs John had ordered and check into placing them.
Environmental Committee: Jonathan Harbaugh
- Jonathan reported that the fall dumpster will be delivered the weekend ending Nov 14 by Sunset Garbage. A note will be in the newsletter with the locations.
- Mosaic Ecology will do a fall maintenance treatment to the common area in late September/October. They will also spray for blackberries and ivy.
- Andres Landscaping (was Finishing Touch) is still maintaining the paths. Jonathan will check that they are doing all paths.
Covenant Compliance: Vacant
- John Chapman and Carl are taking care of violations and complaints.
Architectural: John Short
- John reported he approved a driveway replacement for Karen Wager at 10394 SE 97th Court.
- He approved removal of a leaning tree for Ken Holscher at 9942 SE Kela place.
- He talked to Thyana Snitser at 10286 SE 100th Drive about the remodeling being done. John reviewed drawings and approved the work.
- He met with Randy Flynn at 10326 SE 100th Drive about a tree starting to split and is leaning toward his house. He approved removing tree and anew one will be planted.
- He approved paint colors for Mary Dalton at 10043 SE Cleon Court.
Safety: Bob Stallman
- He reported on the termites in common area trees. Riches had not come to look at it yet.
- He noted that cars speed down 99th when their kids are late for school.
Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall
- Nancy reported that the planning commission hearing on Eagles Landing is delayed until December 13.
The annual homeowners meeting will be at the time of the next regular meeting, October 4, 2016.
Adjournment: at 8:45 pm by Carl
Next Regular Board Meetings: October 4, 2016 at 7 pm at the Fire Station. And each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December.