Board Meeting of September 5, 2017
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Neil Gavrich, John Chapman, Dave Gilman, Nancy Hall, Jonathon Handsaker, Jonathan Harbaugh
Absent: Josh Gavrich, Thomas Spathas (manages HOA website), Bob Stallman, Suzanne Merritt,
Homeowners Present: Steve Schroder, Jim Graham
Guests: none
Call to Order: 7:07 pm by President Neil Gavrich
Approval of Meeting Minutes – Board Meeting August 1, 2017
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made by Neil to approve the August 1, 2017 minutes as submitted. It was seconded by John Chapman and all Board members present approved.
Steve Schroder said he had sent an email about a tree he would like to remove, but didn’t get a response. It was noted that there had been issues with the SMHOA web site and not all emails had been forwarded. Steve said the tree is leaning and an arborist said it should be removed. Josh will be asked to look at it.
President: Neil Gavrich
- Neil reported he had only a few questions from homeowners which he was able to handle.
- He said that Suzanne is having flyers printed for the green space clean up on September 16. She will deliver to her area. Any others who plan to deliver flyers should request copies from her.
- The request from a homeowner to do a metal roof was discussed. It was noted that in the past metal roofs were not allowed. It was concluded that metal roofs may have changed and the Board should consider new designs. To do this a sample is needed. It was noted that the homeowner is not planning on a new roof until next year, so there is time for consideration.
- A homeowner at 10871 SE Stevens Way wants to build a shed in his back yard. (A handout was provided). It will match the color of house and will not encroach on the common area. The Board approved it.
Vice-president: Suzanne Merritt
- Suzanne was absent
Secretary: Dave Gilman
- He provided the minutes for the August 1, 2017 Board meeting for approval.
Treasurer’s Report: John Chapman
- John reported there are 4 houses with back dues over $1000. Two houses are expected be paid off soon as they have been sold, which will bring in about $5000. He reported that there are about 45 homeowners yet to pay dues.
- The home at 9925 SE Gia Court has a trailer in the drive way again. Jonathon Handsaker will send a letter to the homeowner.
- The house on 98th Court with a messy yard has started work on the yard.
- John received a question about why the 4 trees in the backyard of the Stevens Court home were cut down. The reason was the trees were diseased and mostly dead. It was suggested that Board members be informed when requests are approved and the reasons for approval, so answers can be given when asked.
Environmental Committee: Jonathan Harbaugh
- Jonathon reported on replacing the path lights with LEDs. It was determined there is a total of 20 lights to be replaced. He will check with the contractor for an estimate.
- Jonathon recommended the November 4 weekend for dumpsters. This is a similar time to last year. The Board was in agreement.
Covenant Compliance: Jonathon Handsaker
- Jonathon sent out letters to the houses with chickens to notify the homeowners this was not allowed. He has received no response yet. He will check to see if the chickens are still there
- There was a complaint about 10749 SE 99th having cars parked on the lawn, which the neighbor said may affect runoff to his yard. It appears the cars are parked on a gravel area and would not affect run-off.
- He had sent a letter to the homeowner about the dead tree on 99th and Kela Court. He has not heard back. Jim Graham offered to talk to the homeowner.
- There is also a dead tree next to the path in the backyard of 10257 SE 99th. It appears to be on the homeowner’s property but we need to check. John Chapman will check the county map. There was some discussion about requiring removal of dead trees. This was referenced to the Covenants (see section 4.1 (1)) for clean and attractive and not create a fire hazard.
Architectural: Josh Gavrich
- Absent. Josh provided the President a list of issues before the meeting which were discussed elsewhere.
Safety: Bob Stallman
- Absent
Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall
- The Happy Valley Planning Commission review is still on for Sept 12 at 7 pm.
- Nancy reported she had the Eagle Landing packet for the meeting and had sent it out to the Board by email. She is reviewing and trying to write up a response before the plan review meeting.
HOA Web Site: Thomas Spathas
- Absent
It was noted that Suzanne will be doing the fall newsletter. Send suggestions to her.
Annual Meeting
The general discussion was that we should have the annual meeting in November so that we have time to organize it and get the notification in the fall newsletter. This was agreed to.
Adjournment: at 8:48 pm by Neil
Next Regular Board Meetings: October 3, 2017 at 7 pm at the Fire Station. And each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in July (meeting moved to August) and December.