Meeting Minutes – 9.3.2019
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Neil Gavrich, James Allen, Nancy Hall, Josh Gavrich, Jonathan Handsaker, Steve Schroeder and Dave Nachand.
Board Members Absent: Khristina Powell, John Chapman.
Homeowners Present: Thomas Spathas and Jim Graham.
Guests: None.
Call to Order: 7:06pm by President Neil Gavrich.
Approval of Meeting Minutes – Board Meeting June 4nd 2019
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made by President Neil Gavrich to approve the July 5th 2019 meeting minutes, seconded by Josh Gavrich and all board members present approved.
Home Owner Concerns: See below.
President: Neil Gavrich:
Neil sent an email to Jonathan asking to send a letter requesting the neighbors with the now hiring sign in the yard to remove it as it is in covenant violation. Neil asked if Thomas could put SMHOA FAQ's for Real Estate and Escrow professionals on the website.
Neil motioned for board approval on the East Woods project removal of the invasive species, James seconded and all board members present approved.
- Approval of July minutes.
- Block Party feedback. All went well. The HOA bought two 2 x 10 pop up tents for future use. Two gift cards for $25.00 each were purchased as thank you gifts, seed money for the 50/50 raffle for Mt. Scott Elementary, which raised $30.00 for school supplies. .
- Holiday lights contest. Neil said he'd talk with Khristina about modifying the contest to four categories.
- Board member elections upcoming October meeting. Check on dates.
- Nancy's woods/East woods. Greenscapes completed Nancy's woods work, will start on the East Woods.
- Entry signs. Deciding on colors.
- Homeowner concerns:
- Gia Court tree. Didn't get approval. Sending letter as to why the tree was removed.
- Jim Graham. Discussed covenant violations & back yard burnings.
- Dogs. There have been several complaints over the summer about dogs barking all the time. The board suggest neighbors talk to dog owners. If the nusaince continues contact Dog Control and or forward the address to the board with documentation such as dates, times, etc.
- Neighbor resolution. The board agrees that neighbors should talk to one another first to attempt to resolve disputes between them.
- Dave's boat. Not parked on the street. Dave's considering putting up a fence.
- Others.
- Board member/committee reports
- Newsletter
- Firehouse access and cleanliness.
- Fines
- Others
Vice-president: Khristina Powell
- Absent. Is planning for the Fall newsletter the end of September.
Treasurer’s Report: John Chapman
- Absent. Emailed report: Current bank account balance is $56,664, compared to $52,996 on September 3, 2018.
- 86% of the homeowners are current; 36 of the 249 homeowners are in arrears, four are more than 3 years behind.
- Two of the four homeowners that received the lien letter are currently paid up, the other two never responded and will have their liens recorded later in the month.
- Our current balance reflects that Greenscape has been paid for the work done in Nancy's Woods, and has received a 50% deposit for the 4 days of work they will be doing in the East Woods.
Secretary: James Allen
- Provided the minutes for the July 2, 2019 meeting.
Environmental Committee: David Nachand
- Dave said he'd work on getting quotes for HOA landscaping & schedule the yard debris dumpsters for fall.
Covenant Compliance: Jonathan Handsaker
- Received a message from a neighbor about a tree being cut down on Gia Court. Forwarded the information to Josh. Sent out covenant letters.
Architectural: Josh Gavrich
Approvals for architectural review:
- 10729 SE 99th Dr - house painting.
- 10951 SE Steven Way - fence install and deck install.
- 10795 SE 93rd Ct - Driveway extension and new garage.
- 9841 SE King Way - Shed install in backyard.
- 10030 SE 100th Dr - Tree removal (dead roots) and driveway expansion.
- 10011 SE 100th Dr - Tree removal.
- 10385 SE 97th Ct - Painting house.
- 10011 SE 100th Dr - Fence replacement
Safety: Steve Schroeder
- Steve said he would send Thomas safety info for the website in regard to back yard fires.
Eagle Landing/CPO: Nancy Hall
- Nancy picked up paint color options for everyone to take a look at for repainting the two HOA signs. Nancy motioned to approve, James seconded and all board members present approved. For future reference the Brand is Miller Paint. Colors are 0500 / 4-18-1 " Bowman Blue" for the main body of the signs and legs. 0498 / 4-20-1 "Wonder Land" for the lettering and edging around sign. 0496 / 4-22-1 "Cape Hope" for the 'mountain' detail on sign. Jonathan Handsaker will do the work as previously approved.
- Thomas said he'd post SMHOA FAQS on the website for Escrow and Real Estate Professionals.
Adjournment: at 8:45pm by Neil Gavrich.
Next Regular Board Meetings: Tuesday October 1st at 7 pm at the Fire Station and each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December when there will be no meeting.